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Old 04.27.2006, 12:40 PM   #41
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There are worse review publications in the world than Pitchfork. But I have realized lately that Pitchfork are stupid bitches. This is the same publication that didnt want to stay around for Dinosaur Jr's set becuase it was too hot outside and smashes the Pixies' reunion tour. What the fuck? Do they think that they know best? Who dies and made them the kings of the music review scene? And by the way, Pitchfork, I find David Cross fucking hilarious. He's an uncomprimising and talented comedian with a lot to say, no matter how he happens to say it. Fuck Carlos Mencia and Larry the Cable Guy. Long live Cross.
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Old 04.27.2006, 12:50 PM   #42
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I guess I am an idiot!!!!!!
I must be! Because I read reviews (for anything, music, books, movies, etc.) and I think critically about the review! I must be an idiot!
If a reviewer (Roger Ebert for example) reviuews a movie and tells me it is too this or too that, and those are the reasons why he did not like it, and those happen to be things I LIKE in movies, then the review was useful and informative. The same goes for pitchfork's reviews. You do know it is a site made NOT by professional music critics (the worst fucking kind), but by regular dudes and chicks right?

and like I said, pitchfork not only does reviews, they notify of tour dates for EVERYONE, they notify of release dates for new material. they discuss genres and events, they interview many bands and acts of a wide range of music. they support local scenes and support local promoters by hyping their shows. yeah, that is sooooo TERRIBLE!!! Oh Pitchfork must die!!! Oh I am such a hipster scene boy!!!!! If anyone other than my cokehead friends tell me something is cool it must suck shit!!!!!! ha haha!!!
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Old 04.27.2006, 01:09 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
He liked the new song. What more do you want from the poor bastard!?

that was funny, i tell ya, this board makes me laugh sometimes, that just sums it up, they should play him NYCG+F and hold a gun to his head, that would be good..

CD Ends...
"ok fucker, what do you think of that album........"click""
"ammmm good overtures, a slight feel of concrete jungle...ism mixed with a crazy chick with some percussion at a very inadqute timing ratio, who the hell is Lenny? and why the hell doesnt the singer know his last name? i mean gimmie some more information.. ...overall this album is spellblinding from begining to end like a remake of bewitched.. i would give this album......0.0"

pitchfork aint that bad really, good for information, tour dates, release dates ect
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Old 04.27.2006, 01:14 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by fishmonkey
that was funny, i tell ya, this board makes me laugh sometimes, that just sums it up, they should play him NYCG+F and hold a gun to his head, that would be good..

CD Ends...
"ok fucker, what do you think of that album........"click""
"ammmm good overtures, a slight feel of concrete jungle...ism mixed with a crazy chick with some percussion at a very inadqute timing ratio, who the hell is Lenny? and why the hell doesnt the singer know his last name? i mean gimmie some more information.. ...overall this album is spellblinding from begining to end like a remake of bewitched.. i would give this album......0.0"

pitchfork aint that bad really, good for information, tour dates, release dates ect

Haha, I actually laughed. I like the fact that they're ususally ahead of the game when it comes down to albums, and they review quite a lot of CD"s.
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Old 04.27.2006, 01:16 PM   #45
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it's weird how all these seemingly paranoiac people refer too pitchfork as "they." They said this and they wrote that and they think this...It is a collective of different writers with differing opinions... some writers are better than others, some you may agree with.. I am quite fond of pitchfork reviews, i find them generally unbiased, honest, and informative... and regardinbg the NYC G+F review, SY fans need to chill the fuck out.. I found that review more amusing than anything else...
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Old 04.27.2006, 04:37 PM   #46
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[quote=golden child]pitchfork is ok, i read it when im bored and trying to read up on some douche ass indie band ive never heard of but probaly would like if i heard. never make buying decisions based on it though, sometimes downloading decisions though

i remember i got into a pissing contest with pitchfork once, back when they were only two or three years old, i sent them a tape of my shitty demo at the time and emailed basically everyone on their staff. well they got pretty pissed about that and i exchanged some really nasty words that looking back i probably shouldn't have said. however, that doesn't exempt them from being totally on the dot about some things, a pioneer for exposing new underground music, and total elitist, arrogant, facist assholes.
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Old 04.27.2006, 09:02 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Music critics with brains and talent?

Isn't that an oxymoron?
I will have to say you are right.
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Old 04.27.2006, 09:04 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I guess I am an idiot!!!!!!
I must be! Because I read reviews (for anything, music, books, movies, etc.) and I think critically about the review! I must be an idiot!
If a reviewer (Roger Ebert for example) reviuews a movie and tells me it is too this or too that, and those are the reasons why he did not like it, and those happen to be things I LIKE in movies, then the review was useful and informative. The same goes for pitchfork's reviews. You do know it is a site made NOT by professional music critics (the worst fucking kind), but by regular dudes and chicks right?

and like I said, pitchfork not only does reviews, they notify of tour dates for EVERYONE, they notify of release dates for new material. they discuss genres and events, they interview many bands and acts of a wide range of music. they support local scenes and support local promoters by hyping their shows. yeah, that is sooooo TERRIBLE!!! Oh Pitchfork must die!!! Oh I am such a hipster scene boy!!!!! If anyone other than my cokehead friends tell me something is cool it must suck shit!!!!!! ha haha!!!
Stifle it for your own good.

And speaking of coke, how much of that useless drug did you up before you posted that, because your post reads like a garrulous kid with ADHD.
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Old 04.28.2006, 05:52 PM   #49
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To tell the truth, I'm only marginally familar with pitchfork. But some of you guys sound like young girls explaining the detailed logic that goes into determining exactly how much hotter Justin Timberlake is than Sean Hannity. I can't speak for anyone else, but if I hear a bad review of something that I'm interested in, that doesn't stop me from listening to it. I think bad reviews of things I like are just as helpful of good reviews, because the album is still the same; the reviewer and I just happen to disagree on the value of it. If yr going to read, do it to educate yrself, and not to feel validated by having yr opinions expressed by someone else with an eloquence you could never dream of achieving. Sorry. End of rant.
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Old 04.28.2006, 05:55 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Drugstore_Cowboy
It is not just one writer, it is the majority of them. Even Stylus is more readable than Pitchfork's garbage reviews. They are a laughing stock to any writer and to any music critic with brains and talent.

And do you have writing/music critic credentials to back this up?
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Old 04.28.2006, 06:23 PM   #51
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Film credentials, actually, but I am not going to brag about it just to have an opinion on how terrible Pitchfork is.
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Old 04.30.2006, 07:16 AM   #52
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Stop supporting shitfork.

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Old 05.01.2006, 04:21 AM   #53
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Didn't Pitchfork give NYG&F a 0.3 out of 10 or something?

They could give SY a gleeming review, but all credibility was shot when they crossed the line of rationality and ridiculousness with that review of NYG&F.
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Old 05.01.2006, 12:45 PM   #54
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here you go
pitchfork reviews of sonic youth stuff since they have been around. they give points out of TEN possible

sonic youth sonic youth - 8.2
sonic youth ciconne youth - 7.8
thurston moore psychic hearts - 7.6

sonic youth goo (deluxe) - 8.5

sonic yotuh dirty (deluxe) - 8.6

sonic youth anagrama (SYR1) - 7.6

sonic youth a thousand leaves - 7.1

sonic youth goodbye 20th century (SYR 4) - 8.5

sonic youth NYC Ghosts & Flowers - 0.0

sonic youth murray street - 9.0

sonic youth sonic nurse - 8.5

sonic youth SYR6 - 7.0

there you have it. nine DIFFERENT REVIEWERS. NINE!!!!

ohhh pitchfork is so evil, so bad, so dumb, ohhh their reviews suck, off, oh I am a littl baby and cannot handle criticisms of my favorite band, i am gonna cry i am a sad weeping shitted on little baby boo hoooo

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Old 05.01.2006, 08:26 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
here you go
pitchfork reviews of sonic youth stuff since they have been around. they give points out of TEN possible

sonic youth sonic youth - 8.2
sonic youth ciconne youth - 7.8
thurston moore psychic hearts - 7.6

sonic youth goo (deluxe) - 8.5

sonic yotuh dirty (deluxe) - 8.6

sonic youth anagrama (SYR1) - 7.6

sonic youth a thousand leaves - 7.1

sonic youth goodbye 20th century (SYR 4) - 8.5

sonic youth NYC Ghosts & Flowers - 0.0

sonic youth murray street - 9.0

sonic youth sonic nurse - 8.5

sonic youth SYR6 - 7.0

there you have it. nine DIFFERENT REVIEWERS. NINE!!!!

ohhh pitchfork is so evil, so bad, so dumb, ohhh their reviews suck, off, oh I am a littl baby and cannot handle criticisms of my favorite band, i am gonna cry i am a sad weeping shitted on little baby boo hoooo

I was probably one of the first to be critical of SY's NYG&F, so the rhetoric doesn't really apply to me.

Even though I find it their worst, to give a band 0.0 out of 10 is not being honest.

Pitchfork was making a statement with the review, not reviewing the album itself.

THAT'S the problem here. I'm sure you love Pitchfork Media like many, but just as you are quick to criticize SY fans for disliking Pitchfork's review, maybe you should look at yourself and question whether or not Pitchfork infact is being fair with their reviews, or whether they're just merely stepping on people to make themselves "bigger" than what they really are...a shitty, pretentious egotistical, "my way or the highway" media outlet that caters to those under 21.
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Old 05.01.2006, 08:54 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Because he didn't like the album he doesn't know who Sonic Youth is, or doesn't like the band? He was just one of many who thought that album sucked. I know plenty of Sonic Youth fans who think the album sucks.

If I remember correctly, the 0.0 score was more of a joke than anything. He was just using this album to vent his anger towards New York and his love for Chicago. Nothing to get offended over.

I don't understand the hate for Pitchfork. Seriously. No other music site that posts reviews gets so much shit. Pop Matters, Tiny Mixed Tapes, etc? No problem. Pitchfork? Satan. Haha. Ironically, I think Pitchfork is the best of the bunch. Not because of the reviews(I mean come on, a review is a review), but they update that site like a motherfucker. News, interviews, lots of good info and some intriguing articles every now and then. If it wasn't for Pitchfork I would be lost on lots of things. For example, I didn't know the Liars would be going on a world tour. I stop by Pitchfork, they inform me the Liars will be playing in my city in a month. Good times. No need for hate.

I think the ignorance displayed in the review was more telling than anything else. Some people might hate NYC G+F, but at least they know what they're talking about; this guy compared the record to Metal Machine Music - a more unlikely and unsuitable comparison you'd be hard pressed to find.

NYG G+F was like a meeting between the avant garde of John Cage and New York mid 1900's beat poetry with Sonic Youth's guitar workouts. It's not even SY's most difficult record (and I mean the big records, not SYR); Nevermind (What Was it Anyway) is not that far off a pop song, actually.

He can hate the record all he wants, but comparing it to a noise record is absurd. He only found the connection because both Lou Reed and Sonic Youth are from New York.

Why not just compare it to Merzbow too if it's an unrelenting and unmelodic noise opus? Ah, because he's never heard of Merzbow.

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Old 05.01.2006, 09:03 PM   #57
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ok, here's why i'm not jumping on any hateful bandwagons but also hate pitchfork:

1) they are way to pretentious in their writings. everything they write has too have big words and have this structure like if they were on an assigment for a college class; they write like my teachers would tell me to write and, while there's nothing wrong with that, writing reviews on rock (or at least contemporary music) doesn't really enable itself to look sincere or even about the same thing. if pitchfork were around in the 70's, all they would write about would be prog rock, the big words and literary wordery not fitting for anything simpler than yes or emerson, lake and palmer.

2) they use comparisons for everything, even if they don't fit in, and try to find logical reasons for liking music, when it's not always the case. they do math with albums. like "this album is their third; so i liked the first and the second was a bit better, and because this one is sounding in the same vein as the last, then i don't think i like it. plus, this band is influenced by this and that band and that doesn't make them original; so they suck". the reviews i hate the most are when they put a certain number of albums together (like the ep, whitey album and psychic hearts) and try to make sense of them and pit one against the other. they remind me of the retarded rolling stone reviews.

3) they are mostly ignorant of what they are talking about. it's hilarious to read the mess they throw themselves into when they try to talk like experts about bands or genres they know shit about. come to think of it, that part of pitchfork i like.

4) their agenda. most of their reviews are biased to promote the only typ of music they like, meaning everything that sounds similar to neutral milk hotel, belle and sebastian, sufjan stevens, etc. (that or mainstream/borderline underground hip-hop) and while that's not a bad thing either, they insist on reviewing other kinds of music to compare and contrast and prove that the music they like is the only music that matters and that sucks. of course, they sometimes throw in the sheepish, go with the bandwagon positive reviews of underground sensations to not be seen as out of the loop.

5) they try to find the irony for everything when it usually isn't there. irony is for suckers

6) mostly, they trash every album that remotely rocks.

7) they seem to be more concerned with indie cred from the artists than with the actual music.

i agree people tend to give pitchfork way too much credit and usually read it without a critical mind. i mostly get pissed at their reviews but i know they don't understand the music and they don't seem to give it a chance; i'm sometimes curious to see what they think, but i don't take them into account for anything, review-wise.

i do read pitchfork sometimes for the news, and the interviews sometimes. but, afterall, they are just another stupid website.
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Old 05.02.2006, 03:55 AM   #58
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music journalists are the kind of people begging to be taken seriously.. most of the writing is pretentious, laced with envy and fueled by mundane frustration..

i enjoy reading the music press from time to time, but that doesn't mean i live by their standarts, let alone make decisions regarding music..

my advice would be, stop taking them so seriously...

nothing here...

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Old 05.02.2006, 06:03 AM   #59
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well, they sure have generated a lot of debate on this forum....
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Old 05.02.2006, 07:19 AM   #60
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pitchfork media - somewhat overrrated, good info on new releases, up-to-date and relevant.

NYCG & F 0.0 rating on Pitchfork - somewhat hilarious.

People getting worked up over a website - priceless.
Sab Kuch Tick Tock Hai
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