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Old 07.04.2008, 09:24 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Sorry to hijack this thread a little, I just wanted to ask if anyone tests how scary a horror movie is for them by watching it by themselves in the middle of the night. This is one those movies that I've tested this way, and it still didn't do it till the end scene.

I'm rarely scared by horror films. Even if i say that I am, I mean this in the loosest sense. Certainly nothing has scared me in my adult years as much as the first time I saw The Omen (which I saw on TV with my parents) or Halloween (at home alone one night) as a young teenager. BWP more reminded me of being scared, rather than actually scaring me, if that makes sense.

I'm now more likely to be scared by a documentary than I am a ghost story. Such is the seriousness of adult life, unfortunately.
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Old 07.04.2008, 09:26 AM   #42
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once we went to a seminar in high school out to the country and there was this house/shed, same thing as the place in the ending of the blair witch; that alone was better and scarier than dumbasses running with camcorders.
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Old 07.04.2008, 09:43 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm rarely scared by horror films. Even if i say that I am, I mean this in the loosest sense. Certainly nothing has scared me in my adult years as much as the first time I saw The Omen (which I saw on TV with my parents) or Halloween (at home alone one night) as a young teenager. BWP more reminded me of being scared, rather than actually scaring me, if that makes sense.

I'm now more likely to be scared by a documentary than I am a ghost story. Such is the seriousness of adult life, unfortunately.

Yep, I was thinking about that too. Graphic violence doesn't scare me unless I know it's happened for real. That news story about the two French students stabbed savagely to death is more disturbing than all the horror movies that I have ever watched.
Old 07.04.2008, 09:44 AM   #44
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I thought it was great. It scared me as much as any horror film can (which is not much to be honest) in a few scenes, i.e., the weird symbols they see in the trees, the bit when they run out of the tent, the end.

And yet I'd forgotten all about it (even though we had a horror film thread a bit ago) until it was mentioned here. Like all Internet fads, it's existence (in my memory) was transient, they're so 'of the moment'.
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Old 07.04.2008, 09:47 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
That news story about the two French students stabbed savagely to death is more disturbing than all the horror movies that I have ever watched.

Yes, absolutely. That example is perfect. Although I detest the way the newspapers are describing it as the 'Tarantino Murders'.
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Old 07.04.2008, 09:50 AM   #46
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Exactly. Especially because there is no particular Tarantino movie element to the story apart from the loose comparison to the brutal violence of his (shit) movies.
Old 07.04.2008, 09:54 AM   #47
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It's a sad day for humanity when the murder of two young men has to take on a (crap) filmic tone in order to capture the public's interest. Genuinely depressing. If they were sons, or brothers or friends of mine, I'd be sickened.
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:00 AM   #49
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It is indeed sick and disrespectful. What can you do?
Old 07.04.2008, 10:02 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
It's a sad day for humanity when the murder of two young men has to take on a (crap) filmic tone in order to capture the public's interest. Genuinely depressing. If they were sons, or brothers or friends of mine, I'd be sickened.

This will be followed by several pathetic bandwagon jumping moralists, using the death of two people to agitate for the censorship and banning of "evil" films, music, art etc. You think it won't happen? It has already in recent times, and "new" Labour Christian and Islamic moralists are equally as pathetic and beyond contempt as Conservative ones.

Getting back to BWP, I think I must have had an "American" reaction to it - I thought the principals involved so ghastly and whiny, that I was actually willing them to be offed. The ending smacked to me at the time of the infamous BBC "Ghostwatch" broadcast, a view I'm still inclined to hold now. I also still believe that the basic structure and concept of the film has borrowed a lot from "Cannibal Holocaust" - forget the sleaze aspect of "C.H." for a moment, and try to remember the structure of it.
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:14 AM   #51
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OK, it does have the same basic premise as Cannibal Holocaust, but is, I believe, a far better film. I'm not against people not liking BWP, but have to say that when people bring up the CH argument it seems to, if anything, make BWP seem even better. Besides, whatever you may think of how effective it is, BWP is all about suggestion. In this sense it has more in common with old gothic literature, a la M.R. James, than the more in-your-face style of CH. My liking of BWP has almost nothing to do with its pseudo doc trappings, and a lot to do with its ability to suggest rather than show. As such I'd say it has far more in common with films such as Cat People and I Walked with A Zombie.
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:20 AM   #52
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Of course, nothing wrong with suggestion and atmosphere (I like "The Stone Tape" for such reasons). I guess that in the case of BWP, the key point is "getting" the atmosphere and having it grip you from that point onwards. For me, I clearly didn't "get" it, and although I should really watch it again at some point, I haven't really got the urge to - in fact, this is the first time I've thought of the film in about 6 years! Interesting arguments all round, nonetheless.
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:22 AM   #53
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Certainly not a film I'd try and sway people's opinions about. I like it a lot, but it's not so great that I'd feel any kind of need to start thumping tables in its defence.
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:24 AM   #54
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am i the only one here to have watched this shit?


terrible crap. and yet...
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:26 AM   #55
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I actually have a brick from the old house they used in the ending here in Maryland. My aunt knew someone who knew where they filmed it and they went up and took a bunch of pictures of themselves acting like dumbasses in there.....this was like, when the movie first came out.

I saw the movie in theatres, but haven't watched it since because, well, you know....
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Old 07.04.2008, 10:26 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Certainly not a film I'd try and sway people's opinions about. I like it a lot, but it's not so great that I'd feel any kind of need to start thumping tables in its defence.


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Old 07.04.2008, 03:24 PM   #57
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I think BWP extended a really good idea that could be taken to great heights, but as far as I know it hasn't been done. If they could get real actors and writers, high-end subtle effects, we could have an awesome ghost movie. Fatal Frame-like, or something. It wouldn't have to be marketed as real anymore, but filming something scary realistically would be scary regardless.
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Old 07.04.2008, 03:27 PM   #58
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the only film to ever scare me was probably gates of hell/city of the living dead. the end scene in the tomb when the back of the dude's head gets ripped off genuinely freaked me out.'

also, again the film VISIONS OF SUFFERING, easily the most insane/disturbing/whatever film i've ever seen...........

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Old 07.04.2008, 03:50 PM   #59
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okay this movie really scared me in the ways that demonrail said. especially the part about relating to the fear they protrayed... how it reminded him of being scared. yes. that's exactly it. needless to say, it gave me bad dreams.

i should also confess i don't watch scary movies because i scare easily.
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Old 07.04.2008, 04:27 PM   #60
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i dont usually get scared from movies.
last thing that really scared me was a bbc (i think) docuentary show about a haunted house.
i dont know why but it really scared me. maybe because it was late and i wasnt at home
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