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Old 09.04.2009, 02:19 PM   #41
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It's not really about what people have yelled, but the oranges + apples pelted at me when I was a teen. Also, once someone circled the block where I was waiting for a bus and chucked a terra cotta flower pot at me, which shattered on my wrist. I was so confused that I half cried at the pain and half laughed at how someone would keep one of those in their car to chuck at a kid.
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Old 09.04.2009, 02:22 PM   #42
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^ Do you think any of those experiences contributed at all to how wildly creative you are? I mean, no matter whose opinion you go by, if you thought yourself unattractive you wouldve known you cant just coast by on flesh, and went to work on interesting clothing ? Whatever the case, it worked out in the end. You're beautiful AND you have unique style.
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Old 09.04.2009, 02:26 PM   #43
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People in cars feel superior to pedestrians, especially if those people in cars are drunk or in a partying mood. The worst thing a pedestrian can do is taunt them back. The best thing is just to give them a steely-eyed stare and walk confidently on.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.04.2009, 03:35 PM   #44
the destroyed room
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To the point...
A short while ago some boy racers driving past shouted at this smack rat who was lying on the ground with his smack bitch when I was walking past with my pizza. 'Get a job'. Needless to say the junkie thought it was me who shouted at him. After verbals were exchanged and I was nearly ran owa trying to stay away from them I returned to my car ready to find the boy racers (even though their craic was spot on) and fuck them up for my troubles, along with the junkie for his incomprehension of the situation after i'd explained to him what happend, he was still adamant it was me who shouted. my blood fucking boiled.
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Old 09.04.2009, 04:41 PM   #45
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I've never been yelled at FROM a car before. Usually people just honk or scream something unoriginal like WOOOO at me.
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Old 09.04.2009, 05:09 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Diesel
To the point...
A short while ago some boy racers driving past shouted at this smack rat who was lying on the ground with his smack bitch when I was walking past with my pizza. 'Get a job'. Needless to say the junkie thought it was me who shouted at him. After verbals were exchanged and I was nearly ran owa trying to stay away from them I returned to my car ready to find the boy racers (even though their craic was spot on) and fuck them up for my troubles, along with the junkie for his incomprehension of the situation after i'd explained to him what happend, he was still adamant it was me who shouted. my blood fucking boiled.

Now I know why guys like you get all the chicks. It's not the uniform. It's the stories you tell!
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.04.2009, 06:27 PM   #47
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I will not wear a uniform! unless ar lass requests, right
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Old 09.04.2009, 11:28 PM   #48
the end of the ugly
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One day while waiting for the city bus I had a little girl in a school bus give me the finger and yell "Welcome to hell, cocksucker!"

My fiance gets a lot of people calling him Harry Potter. Because he has brown hair and glasses. Glasses that look nothing like Harry Potter's glasses. Also, Harry Potter is not hispanic.
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Old 09.05.2009, 04:44 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by alteredcourse
^ Do you think any of those experiences contributed at all to how wildly creative you are? I mean, no matter whose opinion you go by, if you thought yourself unattractive you wouldve known you cant just coast by on flesh, and went to work on interesting clothing ? Whatever the case, it worked out in the end. You're beautiful AND you have unique style.

naah i don't think so, i only started to be interested in nice clothes when my self-esteem got better, when i was feeling bad about myself i just didn't want to stand out at all. i think it's a really bad idea to start dressing differently when you're not completely ok with yourself, since you won't feel comfortable with people noticing you for it. i've been drawing and making things all my life, and the making of clothes only came when i got interested in them :-)

thanks for the compliments by the way!


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Old 09.05.2009, 09:08 AM   #50
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I remember shoveling snow one time ( I was like 12) and this dood yelled out " HAHA YOU COCKSUCKER!"
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Old 09.05.2009, 09:24 AM   #51
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I was walking home a couple of months ago. I had my violin in hand. There was some kids in a parked car, clearly smoking weed and listening to incredibly loud house music. As I walked past, one of them changed the station to radio 3 (classical music) and they all mimed playing the violin. It still makes me chuckle even now.

I was also the victim of a drive by fruiting once. I was walking home from a gig (Dillinger Escape Plan, I believe) and someone managed to throw an orange from the car window that managed to hit me in the eye. It being citrus, that caused quite a lot of pain, so for a few seconds I thought it was a glass they'd thrown.

Fun times.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 09.05.2009, 09:35 AM   #52
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Man, I do not have stories like this to tell! You all are so lucky.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.05.2009, 09:36 AM   #53
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I've been shouted ''fucking gay cunt'' by people driving past me before.
Old 09.05.2009, 09:45 AM   #54
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Accurate heckles from cars are so rare, you should count yourself lucky.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 09.05.2009, 10:07 PM   #55
the end of the ugly
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Oh, this other time I was on my way to a Halloween party when, OF COURSE, I ran out of gas. So OF COURSE I had to walk down the dark road to get help (cell phone dead). OF COURSE, I was dressed for the party in OF COURSE my FUCKING HALLOWEEN COSTUME. I thought I might get lucky because the road was completely deserted, until, OF COURSE, I started to walk down it. Then I swear to God every fucking car within a 20-mile radius had to, OF COURSE, drive down this road. Needless to say, I really got what I deserved. It's pretty funny now when I think back.
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Old 09.05.2009, 11:32 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Glice
I was walking home a couple of months ago. I had my violin in hand. There was some kids in a parked car, clearly smoking weed and listening to incredibly loud house music. As I walked past, one of them changed the station to radio 3 (classical music) and they all mimed playing the violin. It still makes me chuckle even now.
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Old 09.06.2009, 03:09 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Oh, this other time I was on my way to a Halloween party when, OF COURSE, I ran out of gas. So OF COURSE I had to walk down the dark road to get help (cell phone dead). OF COURSE, I was dressed for the party in OF COURSE my FUCKING HALLOWEEN COSTUME. I thought I might get lucky because the road was completely deserted, until, OF COURSE, I started to walk down it. Then I swear to God every fucking car within a 20-mile radius had to, OF COURSE, drive down this road. Needless to say, I really got what I deserved. It's pretty funny now when I think back.

what was yer costume?
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Old 09.06.2009, 03:26 PM   #58
the destroyed room
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My girlfreinds brother once got egged by a passing car when he was leaving a newsagents. What the daft twats didn't know was that he traveled there in his car. He then proceeded to give chase right up their arse on fast roads for about 10 minutes until they ended up spinnning off the road crashing into a metal barrier. ultimate aceness. He felt guilty about it, bless him.
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Old 09.06.2009, 07:00 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Prisstina
One day while waiting for the city bus I had a little girl in a school bus give me the finger and yell "Welcome to hell, cocksucker!"

My fiance gets a lot of people calling him Harry Potter. Because he has brown hair and glasses. Glasses that look nothing like Harry Potter's glasses. Also, Harry Potter is not hispanic.

ha harry potter thing is lame and tiresome, I feel his pain.
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Old 09.06.2009, 07:05 PM   #60
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People don't yell at me from cars because I stare them down with a confident don't fuck with the man look. The best defense is an offence.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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