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View Poll Results: what's yr fav ac album?
Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished 5 10.42%
Danse Manatee 0 0%
Hollinndagain 0 0%
Campfire Songs 4 8.33%
Here Comes the Indian 3 6.25%
Sung Tongs 11 22.92%
Feels 18 37.50%
Strawberry Jam 7 14.58%
Voters: 48. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10.07.2008, 02:07 PM   #61
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:08 PM   #62
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I don't understand how someone could say they love the LIARS. They're terrible songwriters. Their songs have no flow to them whatsoever and the band has absolutely no talent in any field -- their lyrics, riffs, structures, everything are actually pretty shitty.

I mean, that's probably the only reason I do like drum's not dead; they don't have to be good songwriters for that album, as it's just some drum exercises and drones and chants and it actually works. Their other albums are all pretty bad though somehow undeniably interesting. It's just really simple and obvious music that tries to pretend it's not.

But glad you all love it.

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Old 10.07.2008, 05:12 PM   #63
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mmm i think you have a point that will please everyone here.
Liars don't intend to be actual songwriters (i think)
They make noise, more like and try to structure it all within the realm of semi-improv / jamming.
I saw them live once and they were pretty good if you ask me.
Talent is arelative notion, but these guys can surely entertain and perform.
give'em some credit.
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:16 PM   #64
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+ You guys get all wet listening to RANDOM improv from anybody who can plug a gtr into an amp and press a dozen distortion pedal and protools plugins at once (talent?) and say Liars are Uber shite.

Mind you i like me some noisey improv or some Fennesz/Pita but i also appreciate something more structured.
I find it difficult to admit that some of us say that "They were wrong" is crap!!! It compares to BMR in a way.
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:17 PM   #65
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I do give 'em credit, that's why I listen to every release. I mean, I've at least mildly enjoyed them from day one, I heard Trench when it first came out, but I found the ep's after that (the Fins EP and that one I can';t remember the name of and the Oneida split) to be straight-up terrible, some of the worst shit I've ever heard.

Since then, their output has ranged from very spotty to pretty damn good. I respect what they're doing, but they still don't strike me as anything special. However, I do agree with your assessment, they probably don't want to be known as songwriters.

You know what their second album reminds me of in places? The Sightings album "Arrived in Gold". They sound pretty sonically similiar.

But yeah anyway I'm not trying to change the subject, I appreciate and find Liars entertaining, just not particularly exciting.

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Old 10.07.2008, 05:21 PM   #66
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I should try Sightings, never heard of the cunts.
yes the Liars EPs are generally totally terrible.
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:21 PM   #67
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Bad Moon Rising? Maybe in atmosphere of the recording or the production (which has nothing to do with the songs themselves).

Also, I'm one of the people on here who doesn't go ape shit over random improv. The random improv I do like, like Sun City Girls doing that kind of stuff, is great. I do like some psychadelic and I love jazz music which have lots of improv in them, but that's not what you're talking about.

Also, LIARS use protools and put all their shit through a million effects, so what's your argument? LIARS have shitty structures because they're bad songwriters.. that's all I was saying.

Your argument, if I'm understanding this correctly, is "this is a BAND, so you should respect them just for being a band" yet in your previous post you said they probably don't want to be known as songwriters. There are plenty of talented great bands out there that I don't want to listen to. Respect for a band and wanting to actually sit down with their boring records are two different things.

I'm not outright saying LIARS suck, as something compels me to keep listening to them. I just don't think they're that good either. That's all.

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Old 10.07.2008, 05:25 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Also, LIARS use protools and put all their shit through a million effects, so what's your argument?
he he you win
but they use FX and delays in a focused yet blurry way
which i like(d).
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:27 PM   #69
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Haha. I'm not trying to win. Just trying to get this thread back to...

animal collective

So, I bet their new one will be pretty good.

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Old 10.07.2008, 05:33 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Haha. I'm not trying to win.
When I typed "You win", i bet that you would have answered "I'm not trying to win".
I know you're not, dude.
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:33 PM   #71
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Sung Tongs is great. I, uh, tripped to it the other day while watching Dog Star Man.

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Old 10.07.2008, 05:37 PM   #72
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I rememeber the day i listened to AC. It was Spirit.
I thought to myself "Geez, whatabunchoffreaks"
on second thought, i loved the silly craziness.
One of the two CDs is excellent but the other is crappy though. Don't remember which one.
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Old 10.07.2008, 05:40 PM   #73
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haha yeah I heard here comes the indian about 5 years ago back when me and the old lady first started dating.. I burned it for her and we drove around listening to it and we laughed at some of it but we both agreed it was awesome. It's been interesting to see them grow since then definitely.

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Old 10.07.2008, 09:58 PM   #74
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i voted for feels even though it may be the one i listen to the least nowadays...its just one of those albums that came along at a special point in my life...strawberry jam mostly sucks, here comes the indian may be my true favorite, and sung tongs is the one i can listen to the most often.
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Old 10.07.2008, 11:56 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Haha. I'm not trying to win. Just trying to get this thread back to...

animal collective

So, I bet their new one will be pretty good.
Their new one is going to blow anything. They said that the album was going to be bassy, I can't wait to hear that. And I fucking hope they put Grace onto it. I'll probably buy the singles though, because I like all the songs they played live these last months. (I bought the Peacebone single, just so that I had Safer on a proper CD)
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Old 10.08.2008, 02:06 AM   #76
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Bass? Excellent. I'd like to see animal collective with strong production on their next album. That's probably the first time I've ever been said I wanted a band to overproduce their next album. Hah. I just I think the last two albums have had a lot of things going on in every song, so much so that elements seem to get lost in the mix with the weak production.

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Old 10.08.2008, 02:47 AM   #77
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Erm ... I'm seeing Animal Collective next week. I heard they can put on a pretty good live show, so I'm kind of excited.
Not that I like their records or anything, I'm just looking forward to the live performance.

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Old 10.08.2008, 04:49 AM   #78
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I'm really excited about their new one!!! Love the live stuff. LOVE IT!

Also, I'm surprised by how few people have said Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished. That album is really great.

I've been listening to AC since I was in 8th grade, and it is really interesting to think back then and I was like "These guys are so weird, no one but me would listen to them" and I never realized how one day I would be here talking to people about them. It is just weird to measure their growth in that sense. Trippy

Anyway, the live concert I have right now is great. I wanna go look for a new one though....any recommendations?
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Old 10.08.2008, 05:25 AM   #79
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yes more bass would be welcome
and also as Sir Cooley says more depth in the production so we can hear the details distincly (as in a SY record) , careful panning etc...
they deserve it
It wouldn't be overproduced, but just huh produced.
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Old 10.08.2008, 06:27 AM   #80
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The next album was recorded with a hip hop oriented producer if I remember well. It's going to RULE
By the way slavo, I saw them in May and they were great. Then again, AC is my second favorite band so I'm not really being objective
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