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Old 03.15.2011, 02:29 AM   #61
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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You're telling me man, snow's melting and I still haven't finished the Death Finger script. I just don't think it's strong enough yet. But it's better not to force out a shoddy project yknow? Especially for you, who's actually submitting to something as high profile as AS. Damn.

That'd be the coolest thing ever about Sasha. Any character ideas for her at all?

A no-budget Roger Rabbit giallo? Oh boy... Too bad you couldn't finish it.
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Old 03.15.2011, 02:34 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
What, Sway? You show genuine concern , affection, and perhaps even obsession for my life and what I'm up to -- I kindly let you know, and ... what, now, it's too much information? Now I'm REALLY confused! What do you want from me, man?! On one hand, you make random parody posts in reply to absolutely notihng that woudl warrant them, now you make further replies that -- once again -- have nothing to do with what I posted about!

"Just the internet" ... "Ridiculous" .... what in the world are you talking about?


I got it!

This is some new surrealistic posting style you have going on, right? Wherein you don't actaully reply to the msg's you quote, but rather, use the quotes as a SPRINGBOARD for absurdism?

YES! I love it, man!

Keep it up!!!! It's a great new gimmick!

Fiercely independant, showing a real social awareness and a refined, mature INTELLIGENCE!


And the original PARODY POST was the beginning, the opening salvo of your dip into surrealism, right... if you post things that are seemingly retarded and make no sense whatsoever, they will get people to let their guards down.... BRILLIANT! I think I get it now, I hope it's not going over my head or anything. Whoo, boy, what a mindfuck!

It's going to take some time for me to get used to this posting style, man, but heheh... I feel good being in on the joke!!!

Oh shit, additions made.


I've got to get back to work now, Adam. I'll check back in a few days after you've calmed down a little.
Team Thurston!
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Old 03.15.2011, 02:37 AM   #63
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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^ Editing a post where you criticize someone else for editing? Smooth one, bro...
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Old 03.15.2011, 02:41 AM   #64
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See, Sway, a third post in a row with absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said, or in any relation sat all to ANYTHING in this thread. Yep this is good stuff! I've never seen someone take msg board surrealism to this level before -- for those not in on the joike, Sway is quoting random msg's and then writing things that have absolutely nothing to do with the msg's he's quoting. Fascinating stuff. For example, this "pissed" thing -- what would I be pissed about, exactly? You haven't said anything that would make ANYONE pissed! All you've seemingly done is post meaningless nonsense -- why would that piss anyone off? Heheh -- see? I know what you're doing, man! This is fascinating, stuff. I suggest doing it on the JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE thread, perhaps something a bit more serious, it'll really throw people for a loop! Keep it up, man!!

Joe, I actually filmed from outside of my window all winter; probably 100 days. I would take a video of me standing in the middle of the woods (I live in the woods), and would change clothes, of course... and change poses... anyway, I'm going to cut all the videos up, so ytou're going to quickly see about 100 different days in the course of a minute... in each one, I'm going to be wearing something different, doing something different (jumping, have my back turned to the camera, holding something, playing with a cat, etc) and you're going to see the weather change around me... some days, the snow is up to my WAIST, some days there is no snow. I know it's hard to explain. But it turned out really good. I'm thinking of releasing it as a solo video, instead of putting it in my next film.

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Old 03.15.2011, 02:43 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
^ Editing a post where you criticize someone else for editing? Smooth one, bro...

prove it!

Team Thurston!
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Old 03.15.2011, 02:47 AM   #66
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Re: editing posts.. Joe, now YOU'RE falling into Sway's trap. If you go back and re-read all the posts he's made recently, all of them are some weird, surrealistic experiment wherein he posts meaningless, seemingly-retarded nonsense that has nothing to do with the posts he's quoting! See the original post when he quotes a post wherein I talk about n'ik, Derek, and dubstep, and he does into an obsessive and jealous tirade about how knowledgable and successful I am and how much it bothers him -- SEEMINGLY. But I saw through his post and let him know that it's okay to care about me, it's okay to wonder about me, and he doesn't need to post cryptic, bizarre posts like his in order to just say "how ya been, bro?"

I just worry someone else will see his posts and accuse him of being an idiotic troll of some type. Which is COMPLETE nonsense, I say -- he's only on his 4th account on this board, his 3rd one being closed after stalking someone! Yeah, yeah, so he may be DRAMATIC -- so what? Who isn't?! He may be obsessive, and at the end of the day, yes, he may actually be in love with me -- I am flattered, really. So, can't we all just get along? I mean, sure, he has never contributed anything meaningful to this board and seems to hold a grudge against users who inspire actual conversation (n'ik), users who regularly reccomend new music and movies for others to check out (Derek), users who may have something to show for their lives (the list is too long to name)...

but realize it's all just a gimmick anyway. Just like his legendary posts about whine and bathtubs (with pics!), his long rants about how no one has ever loved him (though don't you DARE post anything long in response to him), and the last few posts he's made of complete nonsense.... it's all just a gimmick. It's all just for fun. So, don't be upset. Because, really, it's fucking hilarious. I mean, the dude is obviously a genius -- editing a post and then saying "don't edit posts!" It's all so surreal. A guy whose probably like 30 years old acting like a 12 year old. Really brilliant stuff. They should take a picture of him and hang it up at the Louvre.

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Old 03.15.2011, 02:54 AM   #67
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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If you release that as a solo work, it'd work really well with some Godardian philosophical V.O. But having a decent idea of your style, I'm sure you already know that... ha!

In speaking of Godard, I've been using a lot of weird foreground in my storyboarding. That's one of the coolest things about his films to me. That and the V.O.'s. Hopefully I can rip off... I mean, pay proper homage to those techniques in my film.
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Old 03.15.2011, 02:55 AM   #68
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Oh, and I'd love to join in on the swa(y) bashing... but I have more Buffy the Vampire Slayer to watch.

Ciao fellas!
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Old 03.15.2011, 03:01 AM   #69
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Sway bashing?


*thinks deeply*

holy shit, that original post that sway quoted?

The one wherein he posted the most unfunny, nonsensical, seemingly-jealous and -retarded "parody" reply in the history of this board, in response?

In my quote that he replied to... I said there's a user everyone on this board makes fun of....

oh no!




Dude, holy shit, I don't know how to say this, man, but wow... I had no idea.... you must be pretty paranoid or something dude... cuz I would... NEVER... man.... even... IMPLY... that... whoa.

Man, lemme be the first to apolog......

oh, hey, Joe, just read the Godard thing. GReat idea. You know, I know there's a Godard thread already, but maybe this thread would be a good place to discuss Godard.

HAIL MARY is so good, isn't it? Did you see the version with his wife's short at the beginning? genius. It was released that was, originally and I think it works GREAT.

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Old 03.15.2011, 03:39 AM   #70
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Dood, have you got any spare shoes that you don't need? I'm a size 9.
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Old 03.15.2011, 05:10 AM   #71
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Believe it or not, I got some PINK Chucks, size 9. I am size 7 1/2 usually.

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Old 03.15.2011, 06:07 AM   #72
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I'm 7 and a half as well. Shoe broz.

Also this IS now the best thread of 2011. Thanks everyone for making it so!
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Old 03.15.2011, 06:40 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Sway bashing?


*thinks deeply*

holy shit, that original post that sway quoted?

The one wherein he posted the most unfunny, nonsensical, seemingly-jealous and -retarded "parody" reply in the history of this board, in response?

In my quote that he replied to... I said there's a user everyone on this board makes fun of....

oh no!




Dude, holy shit, I don't know how to say this, man, but wow... I had no idea.... you must be pretty paranoid or something dude... cuz I would... NEVER... man.... even... IMPLY... that... whoa.

Man, lemme be the first to apolog......

oh, hey, Joe, just read the Godard thing. GReat idea. You know, I know there's a Godard thread already, but maybe this thread would be a good place to discuss Godard.

HAIL MARY is so good, isn't it? Did you see the version with his wife's short at the beginning? genius. It was released that was, originally and I think it works GREAT.

Oh so you were talking about me?

(makes a long, angry post)
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Old 03.15.2011, 06:52 AM   #74
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ahahaha. heres your long post.
some people here, like swa and many others, and formerly ME are masochists, addicted to the sad online message board personas that brings them nothing but pain.

they want to drag you down into a miserable fight. they try to enjoy it as if they've got one over on you and just aren't TROLLING THEMSELVES. if they cant face up to doing anything about the state of their shitty lives they will just come online to be contrarians so they can bitch at people forever. so they can sit there making sad bitch back after bitch back. it only matters that they dont appear to be giving in. it doesnt make them anything other than miserable but they can at least try to drag someone else down to the level of their misery.

not that i havent done this before but there is a difference between trolling that tries to be actually FUNNY and the kind of stupid playground shit that swa does that is just not actually funny or worth reading in any way whatsoever. its pathetic but i think he knows we all get that but he still wants SOME sort of attention. negative attention is probably easier than doing something that would get you worthwhile attention. but judging by his blog i dont think he CAN do that.

its very very clear that there are people on this board with actual talent, people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT when it comes to art, (i dont include myself in that). and other people who are incredibly funny, and still others who may not be any of these things (not that this makes them any lesser) but at least don't act like twats.

then there are others that have no actual talent at all, have nothing remotely interesting to say about music or art, and try to troll as if they have a clue what it is they are talking about. they can manage the right tone, that of sneery sarcastic contempt, but they have none of the actual content. anyway, im not trying to say "DONT TROLL", i just wish some people could actually do it right. its a shame they cant be banned, they will settle trying to ruin it for everyone else and throwing temper tantrums. yawn.

like when i return to this board. and some people who have been here the whole time immeadiately resume their grudges. trying to stake out the territory? you're welcome to it.
do you know what i did when i was gone? stuff that was actually worthwhile, like reading. not all the time, i ate too many haribo bags too. but still. i did some worthwhile things. ending up back here does not feel good.
im only really here to pm people i have no other way of talking to.

and btw i hope noone thinks i have any ACTUAL negative feelings towards them. even if they dont like me, i hope they know i wish them well.

and before the long police post asking me "but why are you going on and on about it then" well it is kind of annoying to see some troll that contributes nothing but the presence of his own tragi-comic narccisism try to waste the time of and annoy one of your friends, particularily when the troll probably realises that in comparison to the person he is trying to annoy it's even more glaringly obvious what a joke he is.

i just wish the people here who actually have talent wouldnt have to put up with the attempts to waste their time by those that blatantly dont, but seem to think that their half formed bullshit opinions are simply important because they are coming from THEM. newsflash, the world doesn't give a shit, dont get angry because you mistakenly think you're entitled to its attention simply for being yourself or something.

man, its obviously hard enough for weird artists who have talent to get by as things stand in 2011. and this board is pretty unique in having quite a few of them in the one place. if you obviously have no talent and think it will look cool if you just try to trash them for the sake of if then you're a fool.

so to recap - there is a difference between hardcore INDIVIDUALISM and being some sort of artist. if you have the first without the second then that just makes you an ASSHOLE.
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Old 03.15.2011, 08:10 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
(makes a long, angry post)

No, no, no, you haev to (make a long "parody" post wherein you come across as shockingly creepy, obsessive, jealous, and stupid. I was going to say "stalkerish" there, too, but well... that might be hitting a little too closde to home, eh? Woudn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!!!!!)

And DISCODILDO, though I sometimes disagree with you violently, your post on Beefheart instrumentals alone was one of the most enjoyable threads of the year so far. Sure beats another fucking Stooges thread.

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Old 03.15.2011, 08:20 AM   #76
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lol swann(y). why do you guys even bother any more? he'll abuse yr women, get drunk and cry about it in the morning.
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Old 03.15.2011, 08:38 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by kinikinikinik
ahahaha. heres your long post.
some people here, like swa and many others, and formerly ME are masochists, addicted to the sad online message board personas that brings them nothing but pain.

they to drag you down into a miserable fight. they enjoy their own misery. if they cant face up to doing anything about the state of their shitty lives they will just come online to be contrarians so they can bitch at people forever. so they can sit there making sad bitch back after bitch back. it only matters that they dont appear to be giving in. it doesnt make them anything other than miserable but they can at least try to drag someone else down to the level of their misery.

not that i havent done this before but there is a difference between trolling that tries to be actually FUNNY and the kind of stupid playground shit that swa does that is just not actually funny or worth reading in any way whatsoever. its pathetic but i think he knows we all get that but he still wants SOME sort of attention. negative attention is probably easier than doing something that would get you worthwhile attention. but judging by his blog i dont think he CAN do that.

its very very clear that there are people on this board with actual talent, people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT when it comes to art, (i dont include myself in that). and other people who are incredibly funny, and still others who may not be any of these things (not that this makes them any lesser) but at least don't act like that.

then there are others that have no actual talent at all, have nothing remotely interesting to say about music or art, and try to troll as if they have a clue what it is they are talking about. they can manage the right tone, that of sneery sarcastic contempt, but they have none of the actual content. anyway, im not trying to say "DONT TROLL", i just wish some people could actually do it right. its a shame they cant be banned, they will settle trying to ruin it for everyone else and throwing temper tantrums. yawn.

like when i return to this board. and some people who have been here the whole time immeadiately resume their grudges. trying to stake out the territory? you're welcome to it.
do you know what i did when i was gone? stuff that was actually worthwhile, like reading. not all the time, i ate too many haribo bags too. but still. i did some worthwhile things. ending up back here does not feel good.
im only really here to pm people i have no other way of talking to.

and btw i hope noone thinks i have any ACTUAL negative feelings towards them. even if they dont like me, i hope they know i wish them well.

and before the long police post asking me "but why are you going on and on about it then" well it is kind of annoying to see some troll that contributes nothing but the presence of his own tragi-comic narccisism try to waste the time of and annoy one of your friends, particularily when the troll probably realises that in comparison to the person he is trying to annoy it's even more glaringly obvious what a joke he is.

i just wish the people here who actually have talent wouldnt have to put up with the attempts to waste their time by those that blatantly dont, but seem to think that their half formed bullshit opinions are simply important because they are coming from THEM. newsflash, the world doesn't give a shit, dont get angry because you mistakenly think you're entitled to its attention simply for being yourself or something.

man, its obviously hard enough for weird artists who have talent to get by as things stand in 2011. and this board is pretty unique in having quite a few of them in the one place. if you obviously have no talent and think it will look cool if you just try to trash them for the sake of if then you're a fool.

so to recap - there is a difference between hardcore INDIVIDUALISM and being some sort of artist. if you have the first without the second then that just makes you an ASSHOLE.




While you're probably on "ignore" so Mr. Stooge himself probably has you on ignore, hopefully he'll see my quoting of your post -- if I'm on ignore, then hopefully someone else quotes it to him. Maybe we can get it pm'd to him too. This is probably the most dead-on post anyone's ever made about that guy's bitter trolling (and there has actually been a surprisingly large amount of posts made about it, almost scary if you think about it....)... his original reply to me came across as SO bitter, SO jealous, SO creepy... it genuunely BOTHERED me; not made me ANGRY, mind you, and when I say "bother" I don't mean "OH SHIT... HE TOTALLY HAS ME DOWN. TOTALLY HAS ME FIGURED OUT!!!" cuz, like, there's this GREAT parody post syrfox made of me that was HILARIOUS (from my point of view, he was going on about "KoenjihykewieurinodsuifsfjskfjsfjkdgnLONGASSNAMEO FSOMEAVANTPORGBAND doing 500 time changes a second -- and I'm just being honest here, but honestly, it is the best band and definitely BY FAR my favorite album ever JUST BLOWS MY FUCKING MIND." I mean, syrfox's parody was just fucking HILARIOUS. I can be "roasted", I can get behind shit like that, totally), it just blew my mind how sway CONSTANTLY insults people who ... I think he almost views others as a threat to him. Like, "Fellow Stooges fan, you are my friend. Let's play shitty power chords together and talk about wine. EVERYONE ELSE IS A RETARD AND THEY JUST DON'T GET IT." Like, of just about anyone on the board, Sway' pretty much has nothing to say on the board regarding new bands, new movies, new... anything... and that's okay! It's not some requirement to be ON TOP OF THE BLOGSPOT MEDIAFIRE EMPIRE OF HIP NEW BANDS or some shit. It's not a requirement to be makin' creative tunes, it's not a requirement to be working a job and making decent money, it's not a requirement... you get my drift. But his posts frequently trash the people who do. The part of his post in particular that really troubled me earlier, made him seem downright insane and creepy, was his criticizing me for working at Wal-Mart. This is probably his fourth -- that I've read... and lemme reiterate, FOURTH -- post where he criticizes me/makes fun of me for HOLDING DOWN A JOB. Now, critizing someone for their musical tastes or ... I mean, you know, on and on, all that stuff is pretty tame.

But going out of your try to make fun of someone who holds down a job and makes money? Uh... cool, bro! That is the part that really made me think, 'Wow, there's something wrong with this guy.' Liek, that's totally something that little middle schoolers do ... 'He has a job, fuck that guy!' or, like, 'He has more money than me! Asshole!' Seem, I'm not proud of where I work, his post references one I made at least 3 months ago wherein someone was saying they needed a job, and I said "I am not a huge fan of the company, but I do kinda reccomend worknig there: easy work, lots of vacation days, you make pretty good money. Can't complain, really." 3 MONTHS LATER, he is still tore the fuck up because I've managed to pay my bills - and my mom's bills! -- and managed to travel to different parts of the U.S., and been able to afford thousands of DVD's (and DVD-R's) and Cd's, and instruments, and cameras, and ... basically, I've beren able to do everything I've ever wanted to do, all from working at a little grocery store. Whatever political beliefs (and I highly doubt he has any, really) he has, I just can't imagine someone having a real problem with me working at some grocery/general merchandise store and making decent money, with good benefits... unless you're just a really fucked up person. I dunno, I don't think I'm some super exceptional person, but I have some friends who moved to Texas here ths year.. and I think that's cool as hell, I'm really happy for them! Some even worked at the same store I worked at, for many years, and saved their money and were really smart and have succeeded. I think that is so cool. I am really happy for my friends for doing that; you only live once, so that is so cool they did what made hthem happy; the American dream,.


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Old 03.15.2011, 08:52 AM   #78
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yeah i think swa's religion is just HYPER INDIVIDUALISM. a creed wherein everyone that is not you can be criticised for anything whatsoever. the implication is that by doing this you must be speaking from some lofty position of cool, yet you never give away what it is you actually think.

i dont think you can treat swa seriously enough to give him the benefit of the doubt as if he has actual political OPINIONS about anything. as if he actually has some moral objection to working at walmart. as if he was actually interested in articulating that or something. like it wouldnt sound like the proclamations of a pompous asshole. ahahahaha

he is just acting like this to preserve the fantasy that he is TOO SPECIAL to deal with the real world, and there is some way he can get to a phase BEYOND having to be limited by the harsh demands of capitalist reality. as if swa is ever going to be in a position where he can afford the luxury to refuse work at a particular store based on conscientious objection to some of its past policies. or maybe he can just play pretend on the internet so he doesnt have to face up to how probably noone in real life can stand his self important bullshit.. ahaha. and dont you remember that thread where he told us all how WORKING CLASS he was. how much of that PROLE AUTHENTICITY flowed through his soul and into his blues music. yet he objects to working at wallmart. lol. HE'S TOO SPECIAL. he's better than us all because he can imitate us in a mocking tone, describing exagerrated chacteristics we have in the process. what a champion.

the joke is really on us for taking him seriously enough to respond. and the day that his blog propells him into avant hipster celebrity indie superstardom and he's too rich to have to work, oh man, i'll be the guy that told him he couldnt do it, i'll be the guy who he proved wrong. i'll look like such a fool. and then tommorow he'll try to troll someone again and then if they reply say "whatever, why dont you calm down dude" like he's actually got a reaction which is of course what he wants most of all the sad cunt and the next day he'll do the same and on and on it goes FOREVER.......
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Old 03.15.2011, 09:00 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
No, no, no, you haev to (make a long "parody" post wherein you come across as shockingly creepy, obsessive, jealous, and stupid. I was going to say "stalkerish" there, too, but well... that might be hitting a little too closde to home, eh? Woudn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!!!!!)

And DISCODILDO, though I sometimes disagree with you violently, your post on Beefheart instrumentals alone was one of the most enjoyable threads of the year so far. Sure beats another fucking Stooges thread.

Haha I was just messin around man, and thanks.

However, I thought we see eye to eye on most things, maybe not

btw, psyched for all the good news you said about "blaze". I really dig it haha. If you wanna use my song/that segment you have my blessing. But its cool if u dont wanna incoorperate it.
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Old 03.15.2011, 09:27 AM   #80
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but it looks ugly!

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