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Old 03.24.2014, 09:08 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
HMMMM! How about that!

American individualism? I always though that people like me were called "German Anarchists", which seems to me to be particularly fitting seeing as my ancestry is pretty much Prussian, Prussian, Prussian, Prussian, and a little bit Württembergian.

And, you've obviously viewed the video, so, kindly tell me, how American is Paul Joseph Watson?

i havent watched the video. if he lives in america he's an american. only americans have the idea that they aren't really americans and can be like irish people or german people before they're americans. no. sorry, you're all american.

getting rid of the government just means a new government will form. the fantasy that it won't is one of the most popular and unique american memes. i don't know what the fuck you expect? no government = everything will be cool and we won't like need cops or anything, we can do everything ourselves. until a militia forms, or are they a prototype of what will become the new government/police force?

how can i answer these questions that american culture is obsessed with other than to ask you to provide me with an explanation of how it can turn out different?

you've got an oedipal complex since you ran away from the british and defeated them and are so desperate to define yourselves as "freedom" - which just works out as "freedom from" and the answer seems to be "THE GOVERNMENT!" or the cia or whatever evil authority is controlling your brains.

you ARE the fucking government. you're the government for half the world. you've got bases all over the place. you fund dictators and then encourage democratic rebellions then fail to aid them properly and the country ends up with a new dictator worse than the last one.

i know you don't want this responsibility and want something that obfuscates the fact you are now exactly the same kind of imperialists as the ones you originally fled from - but don't look to me for the answer to this ideological paradox if you aren't happy with what i've got to say.
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Old 03.24.2014, 09:13 AM   #62
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here's a good example of what i'm talking about in the last post -

saddam - they shall drown in their own blood

did they die did they die?

now they died.


yes they did. invade, dismantle the government, refuse to pay the military and what happens?

the answer was supposed to be democracy, a baghdad mcdonalds and a statue of milton friedman.

guess what actually happened.


there's a big contradiction at the heart of american ideology - one the one hand the individual has to be free - which is never really defined - on the other hand you want democracy - so all the american individuals in your corporations and your military end up wanting to depose democratic politicians in order to loot, i mean, do business in these foreign countries.

the result is more hatred and fear of the government by the people, who prefer to blame the government because they don't want to blame their own military that carries out the atrocities/liberations.

fair enough, that's the way it is.

but then the idea that people get from this - that the answer is to depose the government and then wait for some magical X to bring total freedom - it doesn't make a lot of sense.

if you wanted to make the country isolationist and not interfere overseas, guess what you'd need? a strong government. lol. but even then, all the fresh new amerinazis who immigrate from abroad would come with vendettas and plans for loot, and they'd find a way to launch missions of conquest from the safety of the american continent somehow. it's a catch 22. please don't ask me to solve these geopolitical issues that strike to the very core of our morality as human beings and ends up making accomplices to murder of us all.

it's ironic but the more racially diverse america becomes, the more imperialist it will become.

the answer i think is to focus on using your first world status to develop the technology and industry that can actually help people and create new ways to live, which the rest of the world can at least adopt as some sort of advantage as we first worlders loot and enslave the fuck out of it. although maybe im partially exempt from this guilt, since im a 2nd worlder. front page of the newspaper yesterday "leader of political party brags about the 2 people he murdered a few years ago."

please don't talk to me about the evil of governments - i live through what happens when you can't manage to have one for more than a few years. it's not fun.
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Old 03.24.2014, 09:35 AM   #63
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i dont have the answers. im just a fat decadent infantilized consumer, as long as i keep eating mcdonalds all the horror and rage i feel at all the murder in the world will be suppressed by the warm surge of my fluctuating blood sugar levels. it all gets absorbed through my membrane and turned into funny videos and gifs. i laugh and my arteries harden and my tense inhuman soul opens two browser windows and amuses itself to oblivion with pornhub and ync.news videos playing simultaneously. eventually the bullets and the cumshots merge into the same thing. allah ackbar as the head is sawed off and the groans match the brutal slapping of sexflesh. it's all the same nightmare. mass species extinction is our only redemption.

now excuse me, ive got to go buy some chocolate and crisps.
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Old 03.24.2014, 10:43 AM   #64
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(i clicked the video but didn't bother watching it.)

that's fair enough.

still - anarcho syndicalism and whatever are dead, redundant ideas. if they could have worked, they'd have worked already.

when a video talks about "anarchist free market" - that's simply delusional. your free market anarchist utopia would have magically arisen in iraq after the invasion like the neo cons said it would.

the idea of a totally free market with no state is a delusion and a fantasy.

when i click on that video and hear someone so smugly trying to assert that his fantasy is correct because X group doesn't understand the brilliant political logic he's read on the internet, i see a niaeve propagandist who is going to continue on this ego trip until reality gets through and he realizes he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

until then that guy is free to bark his brilliant logic about how leftists and statists don't understand the fucking dipshit idiocy he believes in into the digital void and i'm free to not listen to ideas i already read about 7 years ago.
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Old 03.24.2014, 01:12 PM   #65
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enough of the politics shit.


this band is incredibly important. i mean that. they are doing something aesthetically which hasn't been done before - this mixture of death/brutality with teeny girl energy. this is seriously the most important thing to happen to pop music in years.

years ago someone made this mash up

and i raved about it.

now babymetal have made a band out of this aesthetic. it manifests a deep part of my psyche that i was inexpressible up until now.

this music is the key to getting out of the dead end of vacillating between po faced seriousness and poppy irony. it's the future. seriously.

this band has resolved the contradiction that was making both pop and metal into the most redundant and conservative genres ever. they have disgraced the legions of metaltards and shitty commercial pop artists who should hang their heads in shame.
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Old 03.24.2014, 02:07 PM   #66
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Yes. More babymetal posts.

Now. n'nikkin...what do you think of mashing merzbow with hatsune miku?
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Old 03.24.2014, 02:13 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Yes. More babymetal posts.

Now. n'nikkin...what do you think of mashing merzbow with hatsune miku?

someone should do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
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Old 03.24.2014, 02:18 PM   #68
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oh shit forgot the link
it exists

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Old 03.24.2014, 02:18 PM   #69
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Also....check out Hatsune Kaidan and
Watashino koko

just do it.
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Old 03.24.2014, 02:22 PM   #70
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what babymetal are doing is the same as what OOO philosopher timothy morton has talked about.

World turns out to be an aesthetic effect based on a kind of blurriness and aesthetic distance. This blurriness derives from an entity's ignorance concerning objects. Only in ignorance can objects act like blank screens for the projection of meaning. "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight" is a charming old saw that evokes days when shepherds lived in worlds, worlds bounded by horizons on which things occurred such as red sunsets. The sun goes down, the sun comes up -- of course now we know it doesn't, so Galileo and Copernicus tore big holes in that particular notion of world. Likewise, as soon as humans know about climate, weather becomes a flimsy, superficial appearance that is a mere local representation of some much larger phenomenon that is strictly invisible. You can't see or smell climate. Given our brains' processing power, we can't even really think about it all that concretely. You could say then that we still live in a world, only massively upgraded. True, but now world means significantly less than it used to -- it doesn't mean "significant for humans" or even "significant for conscious entities."

A simple experiment demonstrates plainly that world is an aesthetic phenomenon. I call it The Lord of the Rings vs. The Ball Popper test. For this experiment you will need a copy of the second part of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. You will also require a Playskool Busy Ball Popper, made by Hasbro.

Now play the scene that I consider to be the absolute nadir of horror, when Frodo, captured by Faramir, is staggering around the bombed-out city Osgiliath when a Nazgul (a Ringwraith) attacks on a "fell beast," a terrifying winged dragon-like creature.

Switch on the ball popper. You will notice the inane tunes that the popper plays instantly undermine the coherence of Peter Jackson's narrative world.

The idea of world depends upon all kinds of mood lighting and mood music, aesthetic effects that by definition contain a kernel of sheer ridiculous meaninglessness. It's the job of serious Wagnerian worlding to erase the trace of this meaninglessness. Jackson's trilogy surely is Wagnerian, a total work of art or Gesamkunstwerk in which elves, dwarves and men have their own languages, their own tools, their own architecture -- this is done to fascist excess as if they were different sports teams. But it's easy to recover the trace of meaninglessness from this seamless world -- absurdly easy, as the toy experiment proves.

Stupid Kids' Toy 5, Wagnerian Tolkien Movie Nil. What can we learn from this? "World," a key concept in ecophenomenology, is an illusion. And objects for sure have a hidden weirdness. In effect, the Stupid Kids' Toy "translated" the movie, clashing with it and altering it in its own limited and unique way.

- Timothy Morton, Peak Nature
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Old 03.24.2014, 03:36 PM   #71
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Old 03.24.2014, 03:50 PM   #72
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Hey dead-batt, can you review Ministry's live album "In Case you didn't feel like showing up...Live"?
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:19 PM   #73
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i was always sympathetic to industrial, although i wasn't exposed to it until after its peak. there was this kind of crude materialism to it - the video has footage of oil rigs - massive industrial structures. i think what was going on here was something that it's a shame we've lost. it was this kind of niaeve belief that all ideology and human pretension was being crushed under the might of these massive industrial monoliths and their violence and inhuman strength - a lot of metal and industrial bands explored this. there's something really interesting about this period - 80's/90's, where we don't yet have a definitive understanding of neuroscience and we don't know what role, if any, the human has in this world. so we are still imaging ourselves as kind of projected spirits made powerful by the might of our steel and machines. it also probably had a lot to do with the terror of nuclear war and a kind of determination to live as some sort of mutant amongst the devastation.

i like this and think it was fundamentally positive, because there's a sense in which it was a kind of brutal communalism - the idea that humanity is this sick weak thing that's being exhilaratingly crushed by, and also endowed with god like strength, by its technics. these bands were looking out at the noumenal world and reveling in the fact that there is this space in it where all human vanities and souls are irrelevant. if you get blasted by a nuke you're dead and it doesn't matter who you are or what you think. there's a kind of holy indifference to all this that these bands wanted to tap into. it merged with cyberpunk as well. the movie doom generation was the pinnacle of this and has an industrial soundtrack.

as i said, i really liked all this stuff, because it had this great attitude of sickness, cynicism and darkness in the face of these inhuman structures. this was really healthy and cool but it totally got wiped away by the time the 00's came around. it was all about the darkness of the world! it was also this kind of 80's consumerist idea that everything we were doing was getting bigger, harder, more inhuman, and it would just stretch to the skies and onto to infinity. that didn't happen of course, but if you look at old cyberpunk imagery, the future they depict is one where buildings just loom and get bigger and bigger and more dense and complex and every part of them is taken up with satelites and pipes and wires and stuff. whereas what really happened was the reverse, things got minimalist and tried to be as natural and light and non threatening as possible.

i think therefore this music was sort of about the way the human body was being absorbed by its environment, and it represents a kind of limit, and IRL instead of getting like this things just imploded and became smaller, more compact, and eventually you have iPODs which is a piece of consumer electronics that is not being marketed as this kind of phallic thing like its harder, bigger, better, more complex, more features, lists of technical details and schematics and numbers and specs all emphasizing this intensity and power, but is instead being marketed as a kind of cutesy kitschy naturalist narcissistic appendage to the body.

also you had nin who took this and made it all about the personal angst of the interior of trents soul/anus, which kind of ruined it.

but of course, it was mixed up with a lot of rock n roll bullshit and macho posturing. the moment for this stuff has long passed, which is a shame, because i think it was a lot cooler than what replaced it.

and we just don't have the kind of darkness that this music has anymore. we have hyper personalized music where the backround and the technology, if there even is any, is all subsumed by the leering body of the performer. so it seems we became desperate to have the world reduced to a part of our souls rather than the inverse like in industrial.

so yeah, that's my view on this album i've never even listened to before.
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:30 PM   #74
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"also you had nin who took this and made it all about the personal angst of the interior of trents soul/anus, which kind of ruined it."

I agree
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:31 PM   #75
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:34 PM   #76
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that review is basically me making up things about a genre of music i can only barely remember seeing traces of when i was a kid. so that's my grown up interpretation of my childhood media derived hallucinations of what it was.
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:36 PM   #77
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You are very close to the truth.

Ministry, Nitzer Ebb, Revolting Cocks, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Meat Beat Manifesto....

so much rage. the times were different. people were pissed off. nowadays, most bands seem to be slightly annoyed at stuff instead of pissed off.
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:51 PM   #78
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exactly. it's pathetic.

what should have happened was all the rage, frustration, exhaustion, depression brought about by post industrial consumer society would have culminated in a fatalistic desire to abandon all vitalist energies and bring about a kind of apocalypse. there was a sense in the 90's that people were sick of all ideologies and wanted to abandon these structures for a technologically enhanced post humanism.

this is the impression i got - people really were sick of history and didn't want to get fooled by the lies and false promises that any kind of human authority would inevitably make.

mark fisher seems to say something like this at when he talks about the short lived accelerationist movement and the philosophy of nick land, where they talked about jungle and drum and bass "making the extinction accessible as a dancefloor" or whatever it was. this was going on in the 90's, and the aesthetic of the likes of metalheadz was similar to industrial.

you had piercings and that kind of dark techno fashion, some nu metal was like this at the very start. the fashion was straight lines, blocks, squares, robot like stuff, and then you had bright fluorescent colours and hair dyes.

i mean, back then the kind of add campaigns we have now would not have worked. they would have been ridiculed. there was a sense that people wanted darkness, seriousness, intensity, technology. all that 90's cynicism and exhilarated bleakness - all that is gone now.

there was a counter cultural attitude that you could just about detect at the fringes that was dismissive and mocking, and from a negative perspective. it was one where we expected power to lure us with promises of a happy life and we mocked it rather than desperately trying to go along with it with a kind of ironic sincerity like we do now.

i know that i am totally embellishing and exaggerating this but whatever.

i think there was a concerted campaign that took off in the 00's to enforce this hyper positivity. and i think this was a form of torture in which the masses were subjected to a kind of psychological warfare that relied on taunting them about their nihilism, forcing them to disavow death and making culture into this narcissistic, personalized space where you can't possible be pissed off about anything because what's the point? so we had twee and kitsch and the revival of hippie aesthetics, and now EVERY SINGLE ADD ON TV is banjo or ukulele music and cooing voices talking to you like an infant.

lastpsychiatrist pointed out how nowadays you don't sell say a pc or a smartphone on its specs, you sell it as like a mirror enhancing the narcissism of the consumer. it's all child like and interactive and the world it's depicting is one of bright colours, cleanliness, plainness and nature. happy sunshine shit.
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Old 03.24.2014, 04:56 PM   #79
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eternal infantilism.
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Old 03.24.2014, 05:37 PM   #80
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dead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
eternal infantilism.

it's hard to resist.

and its a good way of managing a population whom you have no intention of helping in anyway, and view merely as consumer cattle to be harvested for profit as either wage slaves or addicts.

keep them infantilized and they'll kick and scream at having to think about how their lives are never satiated by the deluge of junk and noise that is supposed to compose their individuality. they won't look around them and start demanding to know what public works projects they can expect. when in the future will they have an energy infrastructure that allows them to go without having to chose between turning on the lights and eating cos electricity is so expensive.

why is there no fusion yet? why aren't we pouring funds into state research, since it gave us the fucking internet and the technology that apple used to turn themselves into billionaires. what do these warmongering bastards plan to do to stop us from kicking them out and making the next generation of their incestuous bloodlines end up in the kind of menial shitwork we are lucky to even get paid for anymore? now that we could easily get rid of almost all cash register jobs with computers, and replace secretarial and admin jobs with software programmes, how do our governments plan to allow us a future where our leisure time and material prosperity INCREASE?

people should be screaming about all this until the pieces of shit that condescend to them are terrified to say the wrong thing. they should be demanding a future that enriches them instead of promises them nothing. we've worked for centuries to enrich these cunts and nowadays they don't even pretend to offer us a future better than what we have now.

it's all about getting people to navel gaze. when people are infantilized they'll dress up as clowns and parody the government, then maybe get kettled in the odd riot. they won't go beyond their individual posturing, and careerism.

at the same time, infantilism can have a good aspect because you can refuse to take it seriously when those in power pretend to enter into dialogue with you. but this in its own isn't enough unless you make them feel THREATENED. and noone in charge feels afraid of us anymore.

i'd like the government to feel the kind of fear they feel for islamic terrorists when they think about their own population and decide it's time for another round of austerity or war.
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