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View Poll Results: PC or Mac?
PC 25 50.00%
Mac 19 38.00%
Neither 5 10.00%
1 or 2, but I'd like to qualify my choice cuz I'm a douche 1 2.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05.24.2006, 03:20 PM   #81
golden child
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Originally Posted by alyasa
Would you happen to know what exactly are the differences between OS X and UNIX? Besides the user interface of course... I think its very much UNIX isn't it? I mean its file structure and the runnable commands are basically UNIX, right? Right?

well yes it is based on unix but its foolish to say it IS unix with a different gui, thats like saying windows is just dos with a gui.
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Old 05.25.2006, 12:41 PM   #82
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Macs are better machines...without a doubt, regardless of what you do, business or art.

I've used both, started using Macs in highschool from late 80s to early 90s, then got a PC because they were cheaper and used PCs all the way through until now at the same time I used Macs at work. Finally got a new Mac, a dual processor 2.5 Ghz G5 and it is breathtaking. I've had this machine for almost a year and I don't think it's ever crashed, I can't remember if it has or the last time. As far as graphic design, mac is the norm for Post Script printing and font reasons. For music, the mac OS is more superior so it doesn't crash powerbooks while doing music. I took recording art classes and a couple of midi classes and they all were on Macs for reason being they don't crash(atleast as much as PCs).

Most of the problem lies in usability. Macs are basically plug & play, you don't have to "download" this and that driver, but you still have to on PCs for drivers that maybe old. Also, we're talking about Microsoft, a company which purposely wrote their code for windows to purposely make java unusable, thus discouraging people from using java(they got sued for it too).

When you have an OS like windows that tries to CASH IN ON EVERY COMPANY, they are constantly making updates and changes to their coding just to suit more and more companies. This only dilutes the integrity of the OS and for those companies who wrote their code specifically for Windows but not for the OS changes, those companies are having to make updates constantly BECAUSE WINDOWS WANTS TO CASH IN ON EVERY COMPANY BY CHANGING THEIR CODING TO FIT MORE AND MORE COMPANIES.

If you are just using a computer for simple internet stuff, downloading music, and email, maybe business applications like word, excel, access and stuff, then get a PC...they're cheap. No use in paying a thousand for a mac when you can get a PC for like $300 if you're just using it to play video games, email, downloading music, etc.

If you're doing more sophisticated stuff that requires a more stable machine, you might as well save yourself grief and get a Mac even if it's way more expensive. Your computer will be more stable, easier to use, and you won't have to worry about crashing.

It all depends on how much money you have and what you're going to use the computer for.

In summary:

If I like to play video games(gaming), email, cruise the internet, and download music, I'd get a PC. Your computer will crash, but you're not going to be on it very much anyways, so $300 will do just fine. The ONLY design I would consider doing on a PC is probably web/flash animation and Cinema 4D/Maya, stuff like that.

If you do any kind of design/music and need a machine that won't crash and lose your work and need a more stable and powerful machine, get a Mac. It'll save you grief. As a designer, every minute counts and there's nothing more annoying and frustrating than working and then having a "blue screen" pop up and losing your work.

It all depends on what you're using the computer for and how much money. If money is no problem, go with a Mac.

There's a reason why Macs have a much better resale value. I bought my dual processor about a year ago at $2200(w/tax) and the price has yet to really decline.

If you were to pay $2000 for a PC, a year later, that same computer will be worth only half what you paid and in 3 years, that computer won't be worth but a quarter what you paid and you'd probably buy a new computer after having it for 4+ years.

I've worked on Macs that were 5+ years old and they still worked great.

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Old 05.25.2006, 12:42 PM   #83
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Old 05.25.2006, 12:52 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i have to say i've NEVER had a virus; still i know dunces who put themselves online WITHOUT a firewall and WITHOUT an UPDATED antivirus.

thel lack of viruses for the mac is simply due to their under-3% market share, and it's the same reason why software developers are not flocking apple.

i think the mac os is far superior, being bsd/unix based; unfortunately the dumbfucks at apple have held on to the proprietary standards that turned their company into some kind of hothouse flower in the first place.

whatever-- my first computer was a mac as well. but now i custom-build my own and this gives me not only great satisfaction but also saves me big bucks.

when apple licenses its software and lets me load it in MY custom-built machine i'll sure "switch"!

but as long as they attempt hold me captive to their schemes, they can suck my big dripping kielbasa.

You should be switching soon because Mac's OS now has programs that allow you to run WINDOWS XP, and from what I've read, even running WINDOWS XP on a Mac was more smooth than on a PC.

Time to switch, my friend!

But this is nothing new, Macs have always had software for years that allowed Windows to run on them.

Can't say the same for PC's or Windows.
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:02 PM   #85
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The "Pro PC" argument against Macs:
"they're trendy and too cool and hip."

The "Pro Mac" argument against PCs:
"they crash and are unstable".

I think it's obvious that PC users who hate Mac do so for superficial reasons whereas Mac users dislike PCs because of usability.

I haven't heard a PC user who hates Macs actually talk about how "bad they are as machines". I've only heard that "it takes an expert to know what your doing on a PC" bullshit lie. I've been building my own PCs since 95, I know how to do everything from overclocking(which I started doing on Celerons years ago), hardware, everything and fact of the matter is this: no matter if you were the worlds greatest expert in PCs, if you took your best PC and put it up to the best Mac, the Mac would work better and more stable over a longer period of time.

Macs are better computers. Why is there a debate?
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:04 PM   #86
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:10 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

but the airplane is awry cause him???
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Old 05.29.2006, 06:22 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
Anything you can /imagine is real
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Old 05.29.2006, 02:28 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Tokolosh


That was nice
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