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Old 10.01.2012, 07:11 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i guess so-- i grow impatient with your recalcitrant lunacy. i am just human.

fiiiiiiiiine! but jeezus fuck it is so irritating sometimes to try to make you see things from a perspective different from your obstinate, obdurate, narrow-minded conviction. not to make you agree, you understand?-- just simply see it-- that it would take a saint not to lose their patience discussing things with you, and a saint i am clearly NOT.

tl;dr. you're a stubborn fucking goat! open your mind to new ideas, you fucking zealot holy prophet. at least try learning new facts and theories every now and then. even if you arrive to a different conclusion that somebody else, at least do your mind the favor to entertain those foreign notions that so threaten your convictions.

My mind is more open than you could ever know, but approach is everything in life. If you come at me with an attitude problem, I ain't gonna hear it. If you KEEP pushing that attitude, its going to push me. I admit to having a lot of controversial opinions, and you are free to dislike them, but until you just kept biting at my heels none of it was EVER directed at you personally in any way, you just mistakenly took it that way.

At this point, I will apologize for losing my temper, but you equally owe me one for being such a personally insulting prick about it. If you really get so worked up about my opinions, then put me on ignore list please, but don't keep jumping in my ear yo! You know I'm gonna jump back even if I shouldn't, I'm human too

peace and love

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Old 10.01.2012, 07:24 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
My mind is more open than you could ever know, but approach is everything in life. If you come at me with an attitude problem, I ain't gonna hear it. If you KEEP pushing that attitude, its going to push me. I admit to having a lot of controversial opinions, and you are free to dislike them, but until you just kept biting at my heels none of it was EVER directed at you personally in any way, you just mistakenly took it that way.

At this point, I will apologize for losing my temper, but you equally owe me one for being such a personally insulting prick about it. If you really get so worked up about my opinions, then put me on ignore list please, but don't keep jumping in my ear yo! You know I'm gonna jump back

peace and love

yes, i was an insulting prick, but before i apologize for it (as i should) please UNDERSTAND why i lost my patience-- it has nothing to do with your "controversial" opinions (they aren't), it has everything to do with your refusal to understand your opposition. i didn't take your stubbornness as a personal insult against me, i simply lost any and all fucking patience with your refusal to think, you understand?

i'll just add, for cultural trivia (not that it matters), that i was educated by french priests who would tear your up mercilessly if you said something stupid in class. they didn't give anybody medals for 8th place. so you had to do your best or be killed, and i suppose that's my own bias, though i try to keep it in check (for the most part).

anyway, regardless, i'm sorry if i was disrespectful, but for fucks sakes, try not to abuse people's patience when they are trying to have a discussion with you, baptist. uncover your ears.
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Old 10.01.2012, 07:32 PM   #83
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yes, i was an insulting prick, but before i apologize for it (as i should) please UNDERSTAND why i lost my patience-- it has nothing to do with your "controversial" opinions (they aren't), it has everything to do with your refusal to understand your opposition. i didn't take your stubbornness as a personal insult against me, i simply lost any and all fucking patience with your refusal to think, you understand?

i'll just add, for cultural trivia (not that it matters), that i was educated by french priests who would tear your up mercilessly if you said something stupid in class. they didn't give anybody medals for 8th place. so you had to do your best or be killed, and i suppose that's my own bias, though i try to keep it in check (for the most part).

anyway, regardless, i'm sorry if i was disrespectful, but for fucks sakes, try not to abuse people's patience when they are trying to have a discussion with you, baptist. uncover your ears.

When you use personally insulting and condescending attitude you are not having a discussion, keep that in mind please.

You grew up in an intellectually antagonistic environment and that is fine, but I grew up in a physically antagonistic environment, and daily I'm still in those hoods, and men don't talk to each other that way. You can't be condescending to folks in a personal way, you kept attacking me personally and that is where I lost my temper. You are ALWAYS free to attack my ideas, but please try your best to avoid making it a personal matter, and if you must, at least be a bit nicer about it, again, if you're going to use fighting words, expect a fight.

Thanks for the apology, I SINCERELY and deeply appreciate that, and again, it is mutual.

Remember I'm like James Meredith, "I am at war with the system, not the people., and I'm still at war." The war is about saving people, not hurting them, so please don't try to hurt me to prove a point, even if just intellectually or emotionally.
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Old 10.01.2012, 07:49 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
When you use personally insulting and condescending attitude you are not having a discussion, keep that in mind please.

You grew up in an intellectually antagonistic environment and that is fine, but I grew up in a physically antagonistic environment, and daily I'm still in those hoods, and men don't talk to each other that way. You can't be condescending to folks in a personal way, you kept attacking me personally and that is where I lost my temper. You are ALWAYS free to attack my ideas, but please try your best to avoid making it a personal matter, and if you must, at least be a bit nicer about it, again, if you're going to use fighting words, expect a fight.

Thanks for the apology, I SINCERELY and deeply appreciate that, and again, it is mutual.

Remember I'm like James Meredith, "I am at war with the system, not the people., and I'm still at war." The war is about saving people, not hurting them, so please don't try to hurt me to prove a point, even if just intellectually or emotionally.

i think i wasn't being condescending in order to prove a point (though that can be disputed of course), but i know i went on full-mockery mode when i gave up on any hope of reasoning with you. which, okay, was unfair, unkind, etc,( i could just have quit posting)--but damn, i am only human and the temptation was too big.

now, let me say, i understand your hood background and i'm familiar with similar environments, but you'll agree with me the hood isn't a hotbed of science and intellect precisely because intellectual disagreement is trumped by physical altercation. so you gotta change your musical register as you move between worlds.

now let's get the fuck back to arguing, for fucks sakes. first: in a free market economy prices are simply a means of communication between buyer and seller. second: the success of a business does not profit "the business" as some sort of isolated entity, but its shareholders-- and who are the biggest shareholders? not "millionaires," but institutional investors-- pension funds and other entities that secure the retirement of our elders, and it's the success of apple and other companies that keeps people with a lifetime of hard work from having to eat alpo in their old age.



1) http://www.tutor2u.net/economics/rev...mechanism.html

2) http://www.investopedia.com/articles...#axzz2818lmWOV
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Old 10.03.2012, 01:50 PM   #85
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There is no such thing as inherent Value.
Nothing has inherent Value. Value as a whole is a closed system, for there is only a set amount of money. (if we could always make more money inflation would not exist, but it does. a penny costs over $0.025 to make. Yet it's "value" is $0.01, and figuring for inflation, a penny in 1960 is equivalent to $.26 today.)

Value is ever shifting, ever changing. When one thing is valued higher than usual, something else is devalued. Remember when people were paying hundreds of $$ for Beanie babies? Now they are worthless like Pet Rocks, only fit for nostalgia.
The same goes for EVERYTHING.

People thought Bach was boring and nearly valueless until Gould recorded the great Master, and as of today, Bach is now the most played, mopst recorded classical composer. In 100-200-300 years he will go back to being worthless.

In other words, FUCK YOUR iPHONE
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Old 10.03.2012, 01:53 PM   #86
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BTW, there is no such thing as a free-market economy. when items are taxed, such as gasoline which is taxed at nearly 200% of cost, that is a specific market control.
"Free Market" is a red herring used by rich powerful fucks to try to get over on their teat-suckling sheep customers.
The government has and always will excert some control over markets, all markets, whether through subsidies, taxation, regulation, etc.

Fuck all the GREEDHEADS. any money you make is being taken out of someone else's pocket, and not necesarily your boss'.
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Old 10.03.2012, 02:02 PM   #87
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phones is phones.

They are tools, nothing more, nothing less. They are sold to you as lifestyle, or as toys, or as status symbols, but they are all tools.

there are at least 30 different hammer designs, yet they can all drive a nail.

perking up one's ego because of the phone you happen to be able to afford (or your momma is able to afford for you) is the same as bragging about your expensive shoes or expensive car, pointless, and degrading to everyone, yet many people do not seem to see this.

I love all smart phones, like I used to love all regular phones back pre-cell days. In other words, I could give a fuck.

Nothing ever changes. People with push button phones back in the day used to feel superior to those with rotary phones. Hope it got them somewhere
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Old 10.03.2012, 02:25 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

phones is phones.

They are tools, nothing more, nothing less. They are sold to you as lifestyle, or as toys, or as status symbols, but they are all tools.

perking up one's ego because of the phone you happen to be able to afford
(or your momma is able to afford for you) is the same as bragging about your expensive shoes or expensive car, pointless, and degrading to everyone, yet many people do not seem to see this.

That is why I love ya Rob. That and our mutual fascination with a great derriere
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 10.04.2012, 04:17 AM   #89
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After reading this thread, all I can think about now is just apple products...
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Old 10.04.2012, 10:29 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Severian
So you think the iPhone 5 is at its best price now?? I'm thinking of getting the 4s and then later upgrading to the 5.???
I have a 4S too and have tried out the 5, and to me, there is no overwhelming improvement. For the price difference, I'd go with the 4S and upgrade to the 5 later. I too have had droids in the past, and much prefer the iPhone. I've had one for years now, so it could just be that I'm used to it, but still. I'm always right.
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Old 10.08.2012, 09:51 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by truncated
I have a 4S too and have tried out the 5, and to me, there is no overwhelming improvement. .

LTE is actually a huge improvement when you take the network into account

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Old 10.12.2012, 06:29 AM   #92
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Old 10.16.2012, 06:05 AM   #93
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Now posting from an iPhone 5. Not feeling too bad about it, either.
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Old 10.16.2012, 07:27 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Severian
Now posting from an iPhone 5. Not feeling too bad about it, either.

oh, please do tell how much you hate it, and how waiting 3 weeks wasn't worth it, and why siri is a fucking bitch lololol

i want one. yes i do ha ha ha.

not yet. not yet...
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Old 10.17.2012, 05:50 AM   #95
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I only had to wait 2 because I ended up buying the 32.

I know... I'm a douche. Noise field is still waiting for her 16, but at least now she's had the chance to play with mine, so she can be sure it's what she wants.
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Old 10.17.2012, 07:33 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Severian
I only had to wait 2 because I ended up buying the 32.

I know... I'm a douche. Noise field is still waiting for her 16, but at least now she's had the chance to play with mine, so she can be sure it's what she wants.

so does she still want hers? or is she getting a majick jack instead?

and how many ounces of chinese baby meat came in the box?

(btw, it's a nice box, isn't it?)

and how fast is it? (for serious now)
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Old 10.17.2012, 07:30 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so does she still want hers? or is she getting a majick jack instead?

and how many ounces of chinese baby meat came in the box?

(btw, it's a nice box, isn't it?)

and how fast is it? (for serious now)

I would say ask her yourself, but considering the fact that she never comes here these days, I'll do the whole "I speak for my woman" thing. (Seriously though, she's really busy these days.)

She likes it quite a bit, but isn't thrilled about the lightning charger. Neither am I to be honest, but if I know Apple, they'll be making sure all of their products require the damn thing just to force people onto buying the 5.
But she and I both think its a great and remarkably practical phone, and we used to be Blackberry people (eons ago though it may have been), so we know about illusory utility.

Fast? It's quite fast. But not so much faster- if at all- than the competition that its a deal breaker. Honestly, I'm sure the new HTC, Samsung, and even Droid models are just as fast, and probably a good deal more impressive visually. But for some reason I hate Samsung. Possibly b/c I've owned a number of their products and have yet to be satisfied, let alone impressed, with any of them. Their phones were shit last time I used one, and I doubt they are anything more than polished, shiny shit today.

The most impressive thing about it is the clarity of the pictures and videos, and the accessibility of the device itself. I've never been an Apple guy, save for owning a few iPods way back in the beginning, and a MacBook which was stolen, but I may just turn out to be one.

12 Droids come out every year. I'm pretty sure the same is true of HTC and Samsung. That's a shit ton of opportunities to drool over a slight variation on what you have. At least with Apple it's one phone at a time, and the phone is perfect this far. Even maps is working fine for my purposes.

Downside... Nothing is compatible with it yet, and that means they start releasing stuff that is, it's going to cost your soul. So I would only recommend it to new Apple converts who haven't already spent thousands on pillows that charge their 4's. So if you have. 4 or 4s, stay put.
Also, Google comparability is not great. I wish those two behemoths could just kiss and make up already, and let the oligopoly get begin! I do not miss the open source bullshit apps that fucked up my Droid. At least there's some quality control with iOS.

And plenty of sweatshop babies work for Motorolla and Samsung to support their opium habits.

I do kind of feel like my phone is a socialist, and that I am it's tool (rather than the other way around). But being a socialist myself, I can't fault it much.

I think E. might settle for the vastly cheaper 4s, which means she has a lot more fortitude than I do, as that was my plan when I walked into the store.

Oh, and fuck Verizon.
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