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Old 02.18.2008, 04:13 AM   #61
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Nex time a thunderstorm hits your house, please keep in mind that people on the internet might or might not give a shit about it. It helps.
Old 02.18.2008, 04:15 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by ChocolateJesus
I suppose it was intended to be crap. I just smell pathetic attention seeking behavior here. No reasonable human being would be posting on a message board about people dying every two weeks. sorry. I am not buying.

attention seeking behavior? You've got no heart, dude. If it is of any help to share his/her sorrow on the internet and it it works for him/her to let the tension out, then why not? And why not to have a little sympathy?

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 02.18.2008, 04:16 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by █████████
the asshole here is you, supposedly another of your best friends died from cancer and the best you can do is to come on an foreign internet message board victimize yourself and rant about it with strangers.

This from the guy who changes his username more often than his pants? Why does he do that? Because his life is obviously so boring that he is totally desperate to get some attention from internet folks.
Old 02.18.2008, 04:19 AM   #64
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um... no offense, but how did this turn into a series of *personal* attacks on the *internets* ...?
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Old 02.18.2008, 04:24 AM   #65
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Because crypto is one of my internet buddies, and floatingslowly and Jico have been total dicks to him. I'm sure you also understand that this is the internet, therefore being called a dick should not make your day anymore than missing the bus. Duh!
Old 02.18.2008, 04:27 AM   #66
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fair enough. i didn't really want to know how, ....and whatever yr reason, you've got a point.
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Old 02.18.2008, 04:57 AM   #67
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My deepest condolences in these difficult times crypto.
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Old 02.18.2008, 09:05 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
This from the guy who changes his username more often than his pants? Why does he do that? Because his life is obviously so boring that he is totally desperate to get some attention from internet folks.
i thought that if this thread proves something, is that we should not judge attitudes of people we dont even know.

cprytowonderdruginvogue have lied several times before, so obviously some people didnt believed in him, they could have kept quiet but this is such a nasty topic they most have felt somewhat indignated.
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Old 02.18.2008, 09:30 AM   #69
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Lied about what, exactly? Why do you not just face the fact that you've tried to come accross as hard, cynical and cool one time too many, and the whole thing backfired? In one sentence you say that we shouldn't judge attitudes (I assume, and I hope, that this is reserved to the mostly vague world of messageboards), but then you go on to accuse someone of telling lies. Isn't that a bit of a contraddiction in itself? And please, if you seriously don't want to appear spineless, don't start deleting posts that you are not even sure about. I think that the post-modern, mistery posting gets all the more tiring after a while.
Old 02.18.2008, 10:15 AM   #70
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[quote=sarramkrop][quote]Originally Posted by floatingslowly:

oh fuck off already, freud.

please stop pretending that you aren't a prick.

I'm sorry if I have a hard time believing that someone can have THAT many friends die in a given year (unless crypto is the kind of person to whom every aqquaintance is a best friend when they die).

do I really need to link all the "person x has died" threads that crypto's made?

I had plenty of compassion the first few times, but now, the allotted amount has run dry.

cry more wolf imo.

Are you not the same dude who normally goes on and on about posting whatever you fancy? Do I smell more than a little hypocrisy in your post? Hmmmm.....

Crypto, awful news. I hope you're well and condelences to your friend's family.

dear mr. krop.

i can completely understand why you'd be bothered by the posts toward your friend, but please don't disregard the fact he actually did apologize to crypto. now i don't know if i'm missing something, but i don't see a whole lot of sincere apologies on the internet. anyway, imo... it doesn't make it right and i don't know crypto well enough to know if he'll take the apology to heart, but it was sincere.

as far as jico. jico is fucking funny. 'nough said.
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Old 02.18.2008, 10:52 AM   #71
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see sarramkrop, you have created your own assumptions, i have a few too. is it wrong? probably, yes.
can you judge someone for that? i dont think so, especially in the internet.

some people take the internet so seriously, i dont know if it's hillarious or sad.


i would like to see cryptowonderdruginvogue's plane tickets to paris, photos in paris or it diddnt happen
he probably dont even have a passport.
i would like to see cryptowonderdruginvogue's grill or it didnt happen
probably he's not even rich.

and yeah, those characters that spend time making spectale out of their life's, those paris's, britneys, cryptos, yeah i dont like them.
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Old 02.18.2008, 10:54 AM   #72
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Translation, or it didn't happen.
Old 02.18.2008, 10:57 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly:

oh fuck off already, freud.

please stop pretending that you aren't a prick.

[i]I'm sorry if I have a hard time believing that someone can have THAT many friends die in a given year (unless crypto is the kind of person to whom every aqquaintance is a best friend when they die).

do I really need to link all the "person x has died" threads that crypto's made?

I had plenty of compassion the first few times, but now, the allotted amount has run dry.

cry more wolf imo.

dear mr. krop.

i can completely understand why you'd be bothered by the posts toward your friend, but please don't disregard the fact he actually did apologize to crypto. now i don't know if i'm missing something, but i don't see a whole lot of sincere apologies on the internet. anyway, imo... it doesn't make it right and i don't know crypto well enough to know if he'll take the apology to heart, but it was sincere.

as far as jico. jico is fucking funny. 'nough said.

In floatinglowly's defense, I'll say that it came across as a totally out of character thing for him to post. For the record, crypto once wished I'd catch aids and die. That was one of the funniest things that someone ever wished on me.
Old 02.18.2008, 11:13 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop

In floatinglowly's defense, I'll say that it came across as a totally out of character thing for him to post. For the record, crypto once wished I'd catch aids and die. That was one of the funniest things that someone ever wished on me.

Out of character? Haha yep. That's exactly what I told him when I read his posts. There's not many people as genuinely nice as him, but dont tell him I said so. I think some was misplaced/misdirected anger and to which he was actually annoyed.. I 100% understand that. I'm also not going to suggest I dont understand where he was coming from or where jico is coming from because admittedly I thought the same thing, but 1) not my place to say so and 2) what if I'm wrong? ... And I was.
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Old 02.18.2008, 11:13 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Translation, or it didn't happen.
eh, i'm just telling you and cryptowonder to fuck off.

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