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Old 08.31.2006, 02:28 PM   #41
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Throw some B-sides and live tracks on there.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 09.06.2006, 07:24 AM   #42
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I'll sign.
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Old 02.26.2007, 06:08 AM   #43
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From Robert Hampson's website and myspace:

I'd like to announce, after much pleading, badgering, coercement etc. from many (THANK YOU!), that I am finally putting the wheels into motion on a LOOP Reissue programme. No formal plans have been made as yet, it is very, very, very early days and it may take some time, but the intent is there after all this time. Seeing that 2007 will mark the 20th Anniversary of the release of HEAVEN'S END, I feel I have no excuses left to leave the material out of print. Hopefully, a full and extensive remastering process will be involved, but that's all I can say right at this moment. I will certainly keep you all up to date with further postings...
As Always
Robert Hampson (Oct.2006)

Always takes me forever to get these things done, but I'll get there.

To answer the question I am often asked - Sorry, no plans to reform Loop, I'm not keen on those kind of things...ALWAYS FORWARD
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Old 02.26.2007, 06:11 AM   #44
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yeah i'll sign.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

|@ <------- Euphoric brain cell just moments before expiration

_ \ / _
PING <-------- moments later
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Old 02.26.2007, 06:23 AM   #45
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I have no idea if the Loop mentioned here is the one that we all love so much, but watch this space...

Faster Than Sound 2007 at The Aldeburgh Festival
9th June 2007 (? - This is a Thursday, and I'm sure I've seen it shown elsewhere as being on 23rd June)
Bentwaters airbase
Suffolk UK


Tickets on sale now, at £17.50 in advance £20 on door

Faster Than sound is a sound experiment joining the dots between musical genres and digital art forms. Following its first step in June 2006, FTS returns to the cold war environment of Bentwaters airbase for more explorations with sound.. Artists from various backgrounds will collaborate and explore the worlds of electronic music genres, contemporary classical practice and interactive visual arts. A range of immersive installations, musical collaborations, a wireless walk in the woods, illuminated cold war buildings and a large dome filled with inspiring sounds will make this a day you won’t forget for a long time. Allow yourself to be taken somewhere you’ve never been before to experience the unexpected.

Performances by Haswell and Hecker, Mira Calix and Tansy Davies, µ-Ziq, Modified Toy Orchestra; Installations from Loop, Jem Finer and Touch; and many more to be announced …

Music by
Dat Politics
Mira Calix
Tansy davies
Exaudi CHoir
Russell Haswell
Modified Toy Orchestra

Installations by
Throbbing Gristle
Jem Finer

Faster Than Sound is produced in association with Lumin and sponsored by The Wire magazine.

Tickets are £17.50 in advance £20 on door.

Looking at reviews of last year's event, this sounds like something bloody brilliant.
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Old 07.08.2008, 07:06 AM   #46
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Sunday, July 06, 2008
Need some advice...
Dear All,

Unusual thing to ask I know, but I'm currently shaving a considerable amount of cds (and poss vinyl) off my collection.
A lot of them are experimental, improv, electronica etc and I wondered if any of you based in the UK, knew of some good dealers or collectors who know this area or specialise in it, that actually might be interested in taking these off my hands for a reasonable price...i.e. not something insulting like 50p a disc.
There are most probably some long deleted and hard to find items that need a new home.

I'm not really in touch with anyone anymore that I'd know would be interested, so if anyone can make some suggestions, I'd be very grateful.

I'm sorry to say this and I'd like to help people out if I had the time, but PLEASE don't send in request/want lists - I'm only interested in selling to a dealer or serious collector.
Of course, if you are one of these, then please get in touch via a message

Any help most welcome


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Old 07.08.2008, 07:08 AM   #47
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And most important of all:

Friday, June 27, 2008
Loop News
Dear All,

The Loop reissue program has finally found it's feet and there will new remastered versions of Heaven's End, Fade Out, The World In Your Eyes out on REACTOR in late 2008.
All of these have been commercially unavailable since 1991 on any format.

Initially, only cd versions will be available, but if there is enough interest, then vinyl will be considered.
All releases will be housed in a deluxe sleeve and include a booklet.

For Heaven's End and Fade Out : Each package will be 2xcds and include on CD1 remastered versions of the original LPs - direct from the original analogue masters. CD2 will include the relative John Peel Session and rare archive material from the era. There is not a great wealth of outtakes or different versions but we will strive to get everything we can find that warrants inclusion, all remastered from the original sources.
The World In Your Eyes : Will now be known as The World In Your Eyes Vols. I & II. These are of course compilations of all the original 12" vinyl singles originally released on HEAD and CHAPTER 22, plus compilation tracks and rare archive material.
To avoid confusion, the original Chapter 22 compilation of singles called "Eternal", which was issued against the wishes of Loop at the time, then reissued as "Dual" on Reactor in the 90's is now called The World In Your Eyes Vol. II.

Heaven's End will be the first release, just in time for it's 21st Anniversary in 2008. Fade Out and The World In Your Eyes Vols. I & II will follow shortly after.

That's all we can say for now...


R. and Reactor
Old 07.08.2008, 07:13 AM   #48
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what's a good first loop album to get?
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Old 07.08.2008, 07:16 AM   #49
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''Heaven's End'' is absolutely fantastic but my heart belongs to ''A Gilded Eternity'' because it's the first one of theirs that I have ever listened to and has my favourite song by them on it, which is ''Breathe Into Me''. I love them all, really.
Old 07.08.2008, 07:24 AM   #50
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And please let's all cover Robert Hampson with demands for the t-shirts.

Loop T-Shirts
Dear All,

It seems some amongst you would be interested in a reissue of a Loop t-shirt.
There are possible ways I can do this, if there is a genuine demand - so you have to let me know.
I will need a certain amount of 'requests' before I go through with it, so it's up to you, ball placed firmly in your court.

I propose 2 designs.

Ist Design: Head - Heaven's End era mobius "Loop" logo in Purple on an black shirt.

2nd Design: Collision - Gilded era "Loop" logo in orange on a black shirt.

Please, no personal requests for any other design just yet - you takes what you gets right now.
If you are serious, then so am I and I'll do it, simple as that.

Quality and pricing always considered of course, but beware - outside of Europe will be hit with higher rate to cover extra postage.
But I'll keep it as fair as possible...

As always

Old 07.08.2008, 08:19 AM   #51
Savage Clone
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Mobius logo!

I still have an army jacket that I drew that logo on, underneath that giant op-art eyeball graphic they used to use. It took me forever.

So glad to hear this is all happening.

T&B, I think you would probably do best to start with Fade Out or Heaven's End, given your personal tastes, but I really think they broke the mold on A Gilded Eternity, which IMO was a quantum leap forward for them.
I really don't think there is a bad place to start with them, but then again I just started at the beginning because at the time I started, it WAS the beginning.
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Old 07.08.2008, 11:31 AM   #52
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i vote for mobius logo, too.

i imagine the reissues will hit mailorders on this side of the planet.
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Old 08.23.2008, 06:23 AM   #53
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Anyone checking Rober Hampson's blog on myspace regualrly will cry with joy when they find out about the Loop onslaught that is on the way soon. Yes.
Old 08.23.2008, 07:15 AM   #54
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sarram - yeah, I'm going to be splurging out bigtime on ther re-ishes and at least one of the T-shirts
Snow on Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ in reverse.
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