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Old 11.08.2008, 09:44 PM   #1
Chris Lawrence
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Howdy folks... So, I'm aware that the front page for the Concert Chronology, which was designed in 1999 for 800x600 resolution, is a little primitive in today's modern world. Granted, I do generally prefer to keep unnecessary graphical bells & whistles to a minimum across my sites, but even I don't use 800x600 anymore, and the current lone photograph representing Sonic Youth performing live is a grainy vidcap from May '98 that covers about three square pixels on my screen now. So, I was wondering if perhaps somebody had a more current photograph capturing at least the four core members in a live state, preferably with each one looking all cool and rockin' and shit. You can post your suggestions either directly into this thread, or post a link to them elsewhere. Try to submit pictures that you actually took yourself, just to avoid copyright bullshit (and no, you don't get compensated beyond photo credit, and no, I don't own your photo or anything, as far as I know...I just want an impressive intro to the page).

Speaking of impressive intros, this is the actual intro page for the Concert Chronology, which seemed really cool to me nearly a decade ago but is slightly less dazzling now. That said, an updated version of this concept could possibly be even more effective than a lone photograph -- a collage of live shots spanning their entire career mixed with gig posters and ticket stubs or whatever. That actually sounds ideal, but it also sounds like a whole bunch of work I don't want to do. Hmmm.

Either way, goodbye 20th century! Post your submissions and maybe it'll inspire me to revisit the collage theme. I'm curious, what size resolution is generally considered common these days? I have one of those widescreen style monitors now but I don't think it would be wise to deliberately code pages to accomodate its width if they're not that widely used for web-browsing.
http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang // original folk blues ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Old 11.09.2008, 06:30 AM   #2
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I think there is no need to change CC at all. updating the information is the best upgrade ever!

also, connecting links with utkonos.org would be more than welcome...
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Old 11.09.2008, 02:56 PM   #3
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Oh yes, there will definitely be a huge integration with that site as well as the Live Recording Database -- I'm pretty excited, as I'm a huge, huge supporter (and collector) of live SY recordings, and when I created the site 10 years ago it took a considerable effort to locate and acquire shows, largely through the pre-digital tape trading days, and it would seem like only a few big collectors had EVERY show and you'd just selfishly/obviously wish there was a way to share it ALL with everyone without involving the post office... and a decade later, that's basically the reality we have with torrents. I have a ridiculous amount of live SY and I do actually try to listen to a fair portion of it, and I'm eternally grateful for those who share what they have, and only wish I had more stuff I could share (I generally fail at both recording and transferring tapes anyway, nothing is really worth hearing). So, the site will certainly reflect this in the future...

I still think the front page sucks.
http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang // original folk blues ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Old 11.09.2008, 04:43 PM   #4
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mil_pl would do something nice i think.
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Old 11.09.2008, 04:44 PM   #5
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or nic.
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Old 11.10.2008, 01:00 PM   #6
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I would like you to change some of the set lists. For example, you should put Starpower in the July 4th, 2008 set list.

Other than that, I've been a big fan of the concert chronology for many years now. Great job, and thanks for your efforts, Chris!
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Old 11.10.2008, 01:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
Oh yes, there will definitely be a huge integration with that site as well as the Live Recording Database -- I'm pretty excited, as I'm a huge, huge supporter (and collector) of live SY recordings, and when I created the site 10 years ago it took a considerable effort to locate and acquire shows, largely through the pre-digital tape trading days, and it would seem like only a few big collectors had EVERY show and you'd just selfishly/obviously wish there was a way to share it ALL with everyone without involving the post office... and a decade later, that's basically the reality we have with torrents. I have a ridiculous amount of live SY and I do actually try to listen to a fair portion of it, and I'm eternally grateful for those who share what they have, and only wish I had more stuff I could share (I generally fail at both recording and transferring tapes anyway, nothing is really worth hearing). So, the site will certainly reflect this in the future...

I still think the front page sucks.

I think it's a good idea to integrate Ingram's FTP and sylrdb. I wish i had more time to focus on new front page. I'll try to work on it, but i can't promise when i'll finnish it, so if anybody else would like to do it would be more than welcome.
As for the tapes, i'm sure someone will be glad to transfer them. If you don't know anybody PM me and i'll point you out some nice guys who can transfer and seed them over Dime.
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Old 11.10.2008, 01:07 PM   #8
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My only suggestion is that I want to see more associated images with each date. I mean, a lot of dates do have gig posters, so that needs to continue more thoroughly, and I think maybe even including these CD-R bootleg cover shots for dates that you see popping up on random blogs and ebay and whatever would still be cool to archive.
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Old 11.10.2008, 02:48 PM   #9
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i'm ready to transfer your tapes/vhs/other analog crap - PM me if interested

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