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Old 09.18.2007, 03:12 PM   #1
invito al cielo
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Do you know them? Do you like them?

here's some links:
(which are the only two vids on youtube of them/him)

I love his songs, I saw them (as a duo, guitar and drums) play twice back in May, in the same week. First time as opening act for Low, then two days later they played somewhere nearby me on a Sunday afternoon. Wasn't as good as the first time though, which may have been because I wasn't as drunk as the other day and felt like I was getting the flu.
Bought their latest album (you are my home), there's some great songs on it. Now I want to get another one, but I have no idea which one. Thinking about the You've Got Your Own EP, I love that Waited For You song. But you may want to advise me differently....
what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 09.18.2007, 03:14 PM   #2
Savage Clone
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Savage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's asses
I enjoy this music.
He's a nice guy too; I opened for him once and had a good time.
I've only ever seen Rivulets as a solo act, and this is a little "soft" for my usual tastes, but I love his take on this kind of stuff, as well as his use of echo on the voice.
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Old 09.18.2007, 05:05 PM   #3
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_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses_tunic_ kicks all y'all's asses
forgot to say that I also taped both of them shows ;-)
normally I don't rip to mp3, but I uploaded them for some people I met at that second show, link still seems to be active, so here it was
please don't sell, or convert to lossless again. And if you like it buy one of the albums!
just be careful with that site, had some nasty comments from people clicking on the wrong links, and having to register. On the first page you see (it's probably some bogus advertisement) click on a button that says to proceed to the megaupload site.

I agree with the softness, it's not music I can hear on a daily basis. But once in a while I get a sudden urge to listen to it and today is one of those days again.

He's working on a new album and is planning a tour again, US and Europe, solo I think this time.

[edit 24 hours later: I removed the link again. I do not want it to be downloaded by too many John Doe's. If anyone wants it still (mp3 or flac), let me know]
what comes first,
the music or the words?


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