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Old 09.26.2007, 09:55 AM   #1
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1 - How much do you take what you read on an internet site seriously? By that I don't mean whatever is music-related or information that you might be using for a research of some sort. I'm just curious because I'm never sure if someone is able to read inbetween the lines of some posts and make their own mind up without asking further questions, that's all.

2 - Is there anyone on this forum whose posts puzzle you to the extent that you don't know how to take them? It's just that when you get stuff reported to a moderator or whomever is looking after a forum, I'm not quite sure what to think about the motivation for doing that.

Blah blah blah.
Old 09.26.2007, 09:59 AM   #2
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You should be so lucky.
Old 09.26.2007, 10:19 AM   #3
atari 2600
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It wasn't me, sarramkrop, if that's what you were possibly wondering.

As you know, I did complain to you via public posts a good while back that your incessant topic-posting was monopolizing the board somewhat, but you haven't done that sort of thing in a long time.

I also expressed disgust on at least a couple of occassions with some of your posts since this is a public forum and there might be minors here.

But no, I didn't report any of your recent posts. I also didn't report the "Meg White" porn video thread, although somebody probably should.

Hey, what are you gonna do? Minors can find porn on the internet if they really want to anyway. My comments about the porn originate from trying to look out for Sonic Youth, since they are the legal owners of all of the contents of this messageboard.


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Old 09.26.2007, 10:22 AM   #4
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I nominate atari for moderator.
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Old 09.26.2007, 10:24 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
It wasn't me, sarramkrop, if that's what you were possibly wondering.

As you know, I did complain to you via public posts a good while back that your incessant topic-posting was monopolizing the board somewhat, but you haven't done that sort of thing in a long time.

I also expressed disgust on at least a couple of occassions with some of your posts since this is a public forum and there might be minors here.

But no, I didn't report any of your recent posts. I also didn't report the "Meg White" porn video thread, although somebody probably should.

No, sorry, I didn't mean that anyone reported any of my posts. Not that I know of, anyway. I'm just curious as to what people expect from their internet activity or what is the amount of themselves that they allow to write about on it. I'm generally curious about the mental tapestry of any individual, so I felt like asking about it, that's all.
Old 09.26.2007, 10:31 AM   #6
atari 2600
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Well, I was wondering also if that is what you meant. Sorry, I don't mean to make this about me or presume that you meant me. I was just attempting to be thoughtful, and thank you for the thoughtful response.
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Old 09.26.2007, 10:36 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
1 - How much do you take what you read on an internet site seriously? By that I don't mean whatever is music-related or information that you might be using for a research of some sort. I'm just curious because I'm never sure if someone is able to read inbetween the lines of some posts and make their own mind up without asking further questions, that's all.

2 - Is there anyone on this forum whose posts puzzle you to the extent that you don't know how to take them? It's just that when you get stuff reported to a moderator or whomever is looking after a forum, I'm not quite sure what to think about the motivation for doing that.

  1. the only thing I take seriously are the posts about music / art (and even then, it depends on who's posting it). while I don't like it when people post pics of cum guzzling, that's there business too (I just end up avoiding the thread).
  2. I wish. I'd like to feel more puzzled than I do. as it is, people (for the most part) are far too predictable. moderation should only be used in very extreme cases (such as threats of personal violence) or maybe to "report" spamming outsider-types who only exist here to cause disruption. the best way to deal with people who you can't stand or feel hassled by is to ignore them.
I'm an adult, and I sure don't need some mysterious mod-type to help me control my thought intake.

I'm not really sure if I answered correctly (or what even precipitated this), but....yeah. I guess that some people never get over mommy's tender embrace.
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Old 09.26.2007, 10:56 AM   #8
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
1 - How much do you take what you read on an internet site seriously?
2 - Is there anyone on this forum whose posts puzzle you to the extent that you don't know how to take them?

1. nothing, less than nothing if it is written by glice.

2. well, i suppose it is only natural to form an impression of people based on what you read, and some people i wonder how they get on in the real world if what they say on here is anything like what they are like when they are away from their computer screen. but i wouldn't say anyone puzzles me.

what i am puzzled by is how almost every other message board i've ever visited seems to think that having a mod to lay down the law is a good thing.
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Old 09.26.2007, 11:02 AM   #9
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sometimes it's hard to take much seriously, i use the ignore option on people who just.....well are either too thick or just plain mean, and it's rather disappointing cause one of my friends refuses to register to post cause she feels too intimidated by certain posters

as for reporting posters, i have only done it once for a certain person who ended up getting banned for his threats and general aggressive attitude, that was pretty bad, the old board had it's a few like that, one who still hangs around but doesn't get into spats anymore was very brutish to everyone, but especially my female friends who he said some very reprehensible and personally unforgivable things to, not that it just slipped out, but of it's very deeply rooted sexist tendencies

as for puzzles, the 500 piece ones take forever, but for the most part it's too long to think and make up an accurate mental evaluation of someone who talks on the internet but can't possibly be like in person, and having met over 2 dozen members in the past 5 years it's very unique to see how at times they are very different in person or pretty much spot on
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Old 09.26.2007, 11:06 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
what i am puzzled by is how almost every other message board I've ever visited seems to think that having a mod to lay down the law is a good thing.

i think on average it's because a more general slice of the population is just stupid and want to ask really stupid questions, like 13 boys wanting to talk about boobs, or how wicked their latest frag on Halo was, or of course the lovely questions about homosexuality and whether it's a sin or not, unless it's lesbians and they talk about that
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Old 09.26.2007, 11:08 AM   #11
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Atari - In my many previous moments of silliness I might have posted stuff on here that myself thought was silly and might have been offending to some of the other posters, but that was mainly because I got dragged into the same mentality of other posters who thought that it was ok doing it, and hey, it really is only the internet. As you said, it's not like some porn won't pop up with your daily emails.

Synthetically - I think the moderator on here is just fine because he seems to have the decency to give people the benefit of doubt. You must have been on other forums where you suddenly realized that the moderator was as much an idiot as the posters.

Floatingslowly - Yes, that's the sort of response that I was expecting from you, and I agree wholeheartedly.

Toilet & Bowels - I can't believe that you don't take racism seriously.
Old 09.26.2007, 11:28 AM   #12
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reporting.. posts.. on the sonic youth board? Eh?!

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Old 09.26.2007, 11:39 AM   #13
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I take everything with a grain of salt because there is no way to tell sarcasm, or any emotion from text on a screen. subtle things add and color the meaning of words and those subtleties are barely evident through and and :P
you know? However, once you have read enough posts it is easier to tell which poster is ussually kidding an dwhich is drunk and which is just out to get a rise out of people, etc. that takes time

I like the moderator we have, because he is very hands-off, but I also understand that many people like me check this place at work and do not want outright porno pics on their screen.
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 09.26.2007, 11:40 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
sometimes it's hard to take much seriously, i use the ignore option on people who just.....well are either too thick or just plain mean, and it's rather disappointing cause one of my friends refuses to register to post cause she feels too intimidated by certain posters

I never put anyone on ignore unless I feel like don't trust their style of posting and I'm at work, where it might happen that someone walks into the office and I'm scrolling down a thread's page that might have sexually explicit images on it posted by them. Regardless of my finding them gross, I don't give that much of a flying fig about it all. The thing with someone who has a a serious criminal record for coming across as thick is that I have hope that they might come up with something interesting, at one point. But with some people I kinda lost hope, and in fact they generally don't seem to talk anything but a load of shite.

[/quote=pantophobia]as for reporting posters, i have only done it once for a certain person who ended up getting banned for his threats and general aggressive attitude, that was pretty bad, the old board had it's a few like that, one who still hangs around but doesn't get into spats anymore was very brutish to everyone, but especially my female friends who he said some very reprehensible and personally unforgivable things to, not that it just slipped out, but of it's very deeply rooted sexist tendencies


I think that we are talking about the same person, and I have done it because I was asked by another poster who I respect, even though I kind of thought that ignoring him might have been much more effective and ego-diminishing.
Old 09.26.2007, 11:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Originally Posted by sarramkrop
1 - How much do you take what you read on an internet site seriously?
2 - Is there anyone on this forum whose posts puzzle you to the extent that you don't know how to take them?

1. nothing, less than nothing if it is written by glice.

2. well, i suppose it is only natural to form an impression of people based on what you read, and some people i wonder how they get on in the real world if what they say on here is anything like what they are like when they are away from their computer screen. but i wouldn't say anyone puzzles me.

Most of the information on the internet is nebulous. That's not to say it can't be revalatory, and I think the internet serves very well to disturb certain notions of truth. In relation to Marras' first question, you can pick and choose exactly what you take seriously, but, contrary to that, you can pick and choose which exacts a notion of truth you aspire to/ believe in within people's opinions.

In relation to two - I think the most interesting people are often those whose opinions puzzle me, or at least confound my understanding of things. The problem with this forum is not that people don't make sense, but that too many of them are entirely consistent in their expression of their opinions. There are, necessarily, consistencies to each 'net-persona' which is a lower-case form of a writerly identity, but I think these are generally a) my own interpretation of people whose identity-in-relation-to-myself is based on a net-persona and b) dependent upon the rash nature in which most, if not all, at times, write.

The only real cunt on this board is T&B.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 09.26.2007, 11:50 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Glice
The only real cunt on this board is T&B.

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Old 09.26.2007, 12:06 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
1 - How much do you take what you read on an internet site seriously? By that I don't mean whatever is music-related or information that you might be using for a research of some sort. I'm just curious because I'm never sure if someone is able to read inbetween the lines of some posts and make their own mind up without asking further questions, that's all.

2 - Is there anyone on this forum whose posts puzzle you to the extent that you don't know how to take them? It's just that when you get stuff reported to a moderator or whomever is looking after a forum, I'm not quite sure what to think about the motivation for doing that.

Blah blah blah.

1. I don't really know, not much really. Unless it has to do with music or the government. I tend to take serious posters a bit more serious (Toilet & Bowels, You, Nefeli, Nic Fit, etc.) than the not-so-serious posters (King_Buzzo... King_Buzzo... King_buzzo...)

2. No, not really.
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Old 09.26.2007, 12:19 PM   #18
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Ahh, asceticism..

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Old 09.26.2007, 12:23 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
i ll try to be fast and to the point..
0. very sorry to hear about reporting you. have no idea what this is about.
1. not much time. reading between the lines doesnt require time.
2. no puzzles.
but it has happened to change my opinion to positive in many occassions.

I didn't mean that anyone reported my posts. It was just a general question, I didn't have a specific poster in mind at all.
Old 09.26.2007, 12:30 PM   #20
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1 i dont really take a lot of what people say seriously, there are some posters who i value the opinions of and some that make me laugh.

2. then there are some who baffle me to the point that i just ignore them.

edit: thats a very quick summing up.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

|@ <------- Euphoric brain cell just moments before expiration

_ \ / _
PING <-------- moments later
/ \


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