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Old 05.06.2008, 07:18 AM   #1
Johnny "Magic Fingers"
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It's true. I mean, I gave him the seeds and maybe he was the one who nurtured it, but it's still my seed!

I didn't really mind, because I was getting my stuff at a (not) reasonable price from the disco-head Greek dude from near the park. But he's since moved to the bush and I have no way of scoring.

My dad doesn't smoke, but he does like his raykija (which is like grappa which is like full on vodka) and since he makes shit-loads of this stuff, he needs plenty of cash to buy heaps of grapes- so he sold my dope plant!!

Of course, my dad has no idea that I smoke dope - he thinks I'm some kind of innocent angel type. WELL HE'S WRONG!!!

Fuck it! When he starts making his sweet moonshine come Winter - I'm going to steal his stash and drink myself into a stupor! That'll learn him!!
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Old 05.06.2008, 09:01 AM   #2
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Old 05.06.2008, 10:18 AM   #3
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kitty licker.
I survived Encephalitus Lethargica and all I got were these lousy Parkinsonian symptoms.
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Old 05.06.2008, 10:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Johnny "Magic Fingers"
It's true. I mean, I gave him the seeds and maybe he was the one who nurtured it, but it's still my seed!

I didn't really mind, because I was getting my stuff at a (not) reasonable price from the disco-head Greek dude from near the park. But he's since moved to the bush and I have no way of scoring.

My dad doesn't smoke, but he does like his raykija (which is like grappa which is like full on vodka) and since he makes shit-loads of this stuff, he needs plenty of cash to buy heaps of grapes- so he sold my dope plant!!

Of course, my dad has no idea that I smoke dope - he thinks I'm some kind of innocent angel type. WELL HE'S WRONG!!!

Fuck it! When he starts making his sweet moonshine come Winter - I'm going to steal his stash and drink myself into a stupor! That'll learn him!!

yr supposed to steal his stash and sell it for weed now, to reverse the damage done. drinkin that pruno is only bound to make the situation worse!


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Old 05.06.2008, 10:23 AM   #5
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He was right, you should not smoke dope, it's bad, worse than drinking alcohol, you're a silly boy,bla bla bla....
Do you want us to give you a moral lesson or some advices to hide your shit ?

Old 05.06.2008, 10:37 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
He was right, you should not smoke dope, it's bad, worse than drinking alcohol, you're a silly boy,bla bla bla....
Do you want us to give you a moral lesson or some advices to hide your shit ?

what? that is the worst lie I ever heard, and I sincerely hope it was the sarcasm it appears to be. alcohol worse then cannabis? in what universe? Bizzaro-world?

alcholol literally kills tens of thousands of people a year through cancers and liver failure. further, 50% of all homicides in the US [the US homicide statistic is staggering, something like 20,000-30,000 a year!] are alcohol related or have alcohol involved. Lastly, a significant proportion of traffic fatalities also have alcohol involved. Even worse, alcohol is the ONLY drug whose withdrawl symptoms can include kidney or liver failure, which also kills severe alcoholics! insane! now, show me where weed causes cancer of organ failure? show me cannabis highly involved in homicides? show me cannabis causing a shitload of car crashes!

all cannabis causes it the munchies and people to lose their keys or the pen they were just using... and apparantly for people's pops' to sell it for moonshine
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Old 05.06.2008, 10:51 AM   #7
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HECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's asses
Keep cool, man, I was kiddin'.

Old 05.06.2008, 12:13 PM   #8
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sorry, I just really hate alcohol.
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Old 05.06.2008, 12:24 PM   #9
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HECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's assesHECKLER SPRAY kicks all y'all's asses
Don't worry, I can understand.
But I think cannabis is not that good. My brother turned into a vegetable 'cause of this shit. He was smoking 5 or 6 spliffs per day. He's fine now, but he had to stop smoking and it was very hard.

Old 05.06.2008, 01:59 PM   #10
Toilet & Bowels
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Old 05.06.2008, 07:34 PM   #11
Johnny "Magic Fingers"
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Ha Ha Ha....

This is like the third or fourth year in a row my dad's scored seeds off me so's he could grow cannabis to sell for his fire-juice endevours.

We have an understanding and it saves me from having to pay rent (I am, after all 33 years old). And my dad really does think I don't indulge in the stuff - I just get the seeds from my ahem.... 'seedy' friends (Hah ha).

I give him the seeds and never think twice about it. Hey - last year all the plants turned out to be male and useless (No girls - that's not a tautology).

But this year spawned a bumper crop and I only managed to steal a little bit before the whole lot was sold to a shady guy with a van who looked a bit like this guy....


Except without the violin, of course.... but that hair is unmistakeable.


Explains how he can manage to play all those damn waltzes all the time...
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