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Old 02.02.2009, 01:22 PM   #1
Savage Clone
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Savage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's asses
Just passing along some exciting info I caught wind of. This looks pretty essential.

Straight from the folks putting it out:

The long awaited HEAVY WINGED/WINDY+CARL - MONOLITH: EARTH Picturedisc LP/CD is finally here from the pressing plant. This was supposed to come out the same time as MONOLITH: JUPITER but had to be re-plated for maximum awesomeness. If you held back on buying JUPITER, you can buy both EARTH and JUPITER together for a lower price as part of our sale (http://www.musicfellowship.com/catalog.html).

The first monolith appears on Earth. The apes, huddled in a valley, find the mysterious object and approach it with trepidation. With one hesitant touch, evolution is spurred, and the apes begin their ascent(/descent) to humanity with the use of tools. Territorial wars between apes are no longer fought with fists and teeth, but with bones and clubs. As the victorious ape hurls his deathclub into the air, thousands of years of evolution fly by from first tool to spacecraft.

The Monolith series combines two artists on the same one-sided, reverse-cut LP by hard-panning one recording to the right and the other recording to the left. By adjusting the panning controls on his or her turntable, the listener is free to control the degree to which the two recordings melt into one. Each edition in the series is limited to a one-time pressing of 500 picture disc LPs featuring a Monolith inspired painting by Ned Clayton and includes a CD with stereo mixes, extended versions, and bonus tracks.

Monolith: Earth is the oxymoronic pairing of dreamcore drone legends Windy and Carl and new school leaders of free rock Heavy Winged. Heavy Winged contribute one of their darkest, most oppressive tracks yet. The addition of Windy and Carl's purity creates something entirely different. It's no longer the sound of three bros busting out dark drone metal in some shed in snowy Vermont; it's now the sound of some communal artists busting out epic krautjams in the German hinterland. Primitive, vicious early man meets colossal pristine symbol of higher thought - could there be any better pairing for this Monolith?
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Old 02.02.2009, 01:44 PM   #3
Toilet & Bowels
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thanks, will be getting this for sure
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Old 02.06.2009, 04:03 PM   #4
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pokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's assespokkeherrie kicks all y'all's asses
I just ordered this after downloading it and reading there were only about 30 copies left...
Together with the first LP+CD of the series (ARTHUR C. CLARKE RIP-PACK) it's only 33 euros for 2 LPs and 2 CDs including transatlantic shipping. Bargain!
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