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Old 12.04.2009, 10:58 PM   #1
Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski
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People into music will frequently ask, "what's your favorite band?" Though many people shy away from this question, I have been confident answering it since I was a teenager. I guess it has changed a few times, but I consistently have said, "Sonic Youth" for the past seventeen years.

Of course, further explanations follow. Maybe I'm into folk music at the time, so I'll explain the new stuff I'm exploring, but I rarely don't bring up Sonic Youth on a virginal music conversation with someone new.

In a way, I feel bad because it's a bit for convenience. They're an easy favorite band to have. Most people that are somewhat like-minded will have at least a couple albums or will recognize their persona. It makes me fit into a mold fairly easily, and I don't mind it because it's a mold that accents my personality rather than defining it.

I have the posters, the setlists, the t-shirts, the buttons, the record bag, the bumper sticker... the band is a major part of my identity. When I was teaching in the states, few of my students knew Sonic Youth, but they knew that I loved them. People e-mail me when they hear something about Sonic Youth. If tragedy were to befall Sonic Youth, people would look for my reaction.

It's all a bit weird to think about. Does anyone else relate to this? What are the pros and cons of saying "Sonic Youth (or any band for that matter) is my favorite band"?

Also, since I've been living in Japan, I'm totally unable to have this conversation. Maybe this is why I'm thinking about it. When people asked me about music, I started listing bands that were more popular, but no one in Akita has heard of even the most popular American bands (like Pearl Jam or something). So, I switched to The Rolling Stones because it will at least provide more conversation rather than a dead end. I feel like I can't really be myself without my brand of being a Sonic Youth fanboy. I could use the approach of trying to play the music for them, but I'm 99% sure it would freak them the fuck out (much of Japanese culture is very soft and cuddly, especially the rural culture). I miss being able to say that Sonic Youth is my favorite band.
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Old 12.05.2009, 01:36 AM   #2
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Sonic Youth is my favorite band since '85. I sometimes feel like an old hippie. then they put out another great album.
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Old 12.05.2009, 03:19 PM   #3
Keeping It Simple
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Sonic Youth is one of my favourite bands.
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Old 12.05.2009, 04:06 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski

I have the posters, the setlists, the t-shirts, the buttons, the record bag, the bumper sticker... the band is a major part of my identity. People e-mail me when they hear something about Sonic Youth. If tragedy were to befall Sonic Youth, people would look for my reaction.

Nicely put Rupert 'S' S. SY have been a major part of my life since I saw them three times in the same week on the first Bad Moon Rising European tour. I feel that I cannot really talk rationally about them as they have been pretty fundamental to my everyday life for decades now. Most people don't really understand my fascination and I'm quite happy to leave it like that... you either get it or you don't. So yes when someone makes the mistake of asking me what my favourite band is I can shower them with a very FULL answer.

Over the years they have opened me up to so many amazing things that I don't think that there are any con's involved... and the pro's are pretty obvious.
Built Toxic J Tough
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Old 12.05.2009, 04:29 PM   #5
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who needs an identity? i never had a t-shirt or something, but yes, its my favorite band, and it had a huge influence on my life - positive or negative.

I am going to see my family on christmas eve, and it will be the same procedure as every year: my brother asks me, what music i was listening to, and like 20 chritsmas eves before, i say: Sonic Youth. And then they all start to laugh: Oh, are you still that little boy! You got to listen to Bob Dylan, man, thats real music. And then i say generously: well, dylan can be nice ...
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Old 12.05.2009, 05:15 PM   #6
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perhaps this christmas you should point out that SY played a huge role in the soundtrack of the latest dylan biopic.

obviously, i relate pretty easily to the initial post. while i prefer to bend the definition of the term 'favorite' by having several favorite bands (don't make a libra choose!), SY have been a constant part of my life for the past 15 years, for better or worse. i never tire of their music and with such a vast back catalog it's pretty easy to find something that suits my mood. i go thru phases where i listen to them a LOT and times when i won't necessarily crave one of their albums, but they'll pop up at random on my walkman or in the car.

it's hard to imagine a time when i didn't have something like 'bad moon rising' or 'dirty' coded into my history. there's definitely days/years when i wish i hadn't focused so hard on my ridiculous website when i was younger, but i suppose it probably serves a more important purpose than anything else i might ever accomplish, though i'm not sure how i feel about that.

i'm a pretty big music nerd in general, it consumes my life, and SY are a pretty massive portion of that mosaic. i don't think i'd have it any other way. i'm just glad they're still around and consistently releasing quality music.
http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang // original folk blues ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Old 12.05.2009, 05:25 PM   #7
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Sonic Yute is my favorite band.

Ain't got no set-lists or t-shirts (though I'm thinking I might like a washing machine t)

I did fly from ANC to SEA to see 'em so that's gotta count for somethin'
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Old 12.05.2009, 06:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
there's definitely days/years when i wish i hadn't focused so hard on my ridiculous website when i was younger, but i suppose it probably serves a more important purpose than anything else i might ever accomplish, though i'm not sure how i feel about that.

you should point it out somewhere that the "discography" on this site is from you, i havnt realized it till now, i cant find your name their - and you deserve some honor for this great job! It was very usefull for me many times through the last years, thank you! i will contribute now when i find soemthing. What other Websites do you do?
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Old 12.16.2009, 10:45 PM   #9
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I was telling my musical/artistic collaborator Jennifer Robin about posting a thread elsewhere on this board about having a stripper dance to Sonic Youth for me, and she responded, "Oh jesus, Sonic Youth as a religion??"

To which I could only assent. Of course. That which changes one's life and defines one's existence is a religion. We all sing along to "Star Power" as if it were a hymn too, right?
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Old 12.17.2009, 05:02 AM   #10
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"When people asked me about music, I started listing bands that were more popular, but no one in Akita has heard of even the most popular American bands (like Pearl Jam or something). So, I switched to The Rolling Stones because it will at least provide more conversation rather than a dead end."

yeah i understand this, S.Y is also my favourite to for a long time, but to provide more conversation about music sometimes i need to "forget" this fan thing about them, even about there universe of rock n' noise, well maybe this happens cause where i live and mostly of the people i know are more listeners of rock fm or dance music, but even that don't make me change my personnal tastes...sometimes is better a silence than waisting time talkin' about pearl jam , nickelback or some hip-hop radio crap.
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Old 12.17.2009, 09:13 AM   #11
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People e-mail me when they hear something about Sonic Youth. If tragedy were to befall Sonic Youth, people would look for my reaction.

Me too. Sonic Youth has been my all-time favorite band for amost 24 years now. Fuck time flies.
It is hard having music conversations with "regular" people because they do not have the same music world that I inhabit in my head.
That is why I come here, for people here tend to live in a very similar musical world. Even when it delves of into shit I don;t like, it is still interesting shit that I do not like, as opposed to the latest kenney chesney album or how "scandalous" the new rihanna album is.
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 12.17.2009, 09:40 AM   #12
Keeping It Simple
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It's like when you go to a store to buy a CD you're familiar with that you lost, or lent to someone but never got it back, to discover there's an extra track or two on it. These aren't special editions of the albums either. It happened to me on a couple of occasions. I bought "Grace" by Jeff Buckley to discover it now features "Forget Her" as an 11th track. I bought an edition of "Love" by The Cult which featured "Judith" as an 11th track. I actually lent it to someone, never got it back, went to buy another copy to discover the store was selling the original edition of "Love" which doesn't feature the 11th track. "Judith" is a brilliant track, so I wasn't too happy about it.
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Old 12.17.2009, 09:52 AM   #13
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Sonic Youth is and always will be my favorite band. People who know me know that SY is my favorite band and when someone asks me what my favorite band is I will relentlessly answer SY. It's just because the band sums up my taste in music and because I just owe SY so much. Before them I listened to The Smashing Pumpkins and The Smiths but when I discovered SY I really started to get into music. Also when I just discovered them I listened to them constantly for maybe 2 years or so. Y'know when you have these phases that you listen to a band constantly for like a couple weeks? Well, I had that with SY for a veeery long time. If I hadn't found out about SY I would have never come to this board and thus would have never listened to the music I listen to now.

...If that makes any sense.
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Old 12.17.2009, 10:03 AM   #14
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ever since me and my girlfriend carved SONIC LOVE on each others foreheads with steak knives while we were tripping on Czech acid and TN meth we haven't had those conversations with anyone. Anyway, they don't often take off the restraints so we can get out and rap with people, you know.
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Old 12.17.2009, 10:55 AM   #15
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Yes they are my favorite band. What makes it crazy is that I am the only one in my former concert going days who even listens to them. Obviously we're talking guys and gals in their late forties and fifties. It started with Goo and now I have just about the whole studio collection. I can listen to them for week or two straight. I'm glad I discovered them. They're the only band who I will not miss if they play with in my area.
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Old 12.18.2009, 03:59 AM   #16
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Rowland S. Howard is my favourite musician now. I'm sure that if he was to die soon (quite possible, he has liver cancer and has been cancelling shows) people would identify me with him.
One of the negatives is that most people here have no idea who he is, so I usually have to bring up Nick Cave. Kind of like "Sonic Youth...? Oh, Guitar Hero."
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Old 12.18.2009, 01:15 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Trasher02
Sonic Youth is and always will be my favorite band. People who know me know that SY is my favorite band and when someone asks me what my favorite band is I will relentlessly answer SY. It's just because the band sums up my taste in music and because I just owe SY so much. Before them I listened to The Smashing Pumpkins and The Smiths but when I discovered SY I really started to get into music. Also when I just discovered them I listened to them constantly for maybe 2 years or so. Y'know when you have these phases that you listen to a band constantly for like a couple weeks? Well, I had that with SY for a veeery long time. If I hadn't found out about SY I would have never come to this board and thus would have never listened to the music I listen to now.

...If that makes any sense.


very similar. I REAAALLLY Started listening to music when I got into SY>
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