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Old 03.20.2010, 06:13 PM   #1
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merciful Jesus it has been a long time.. the kids running off to fight (and sometimes die) in Iraq were in Elementary School when it began! They don't even know who the fuck Saddam Hussein was (rip)!! I am truly embarrassed to have to explain this war to my students in high school right now..

when will it all end? its become redundant to compare this war to Vietnam, far too many parallels ( fight spread of terrorism is a boring regurgitation of the domino theory, replacing communism with islamic extremism; the WMD fiasco is very much parallel to the Gulf of Tonkin incident; the disporportionate use loss of Iraqi lives compared to US is similar in Vietnam where the casualty rate was approx 4-1, in Iraq its practically genocidal at 10-1; now there are thousands of Iraqi children being born with horrifying birth defects because of toxic waste from US military instalations and weaponry just like the tragedy afflicting Vietnamese from both Agent Orange exposure (which equally affects Vietnam vets) and from the toxic waste at military instalations)..

when will it all end? and we are nearly a decade in Afghanistan with no end in sight, commentators talking about events in the country as if we had just invaded...

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3 Feb 03 peace
Peace attack
Early book whistlin'
Whistlin' earth
Whistlin' earth day off
Nature sex
Nature sex yawn winkin'

Of the great
Of the great anti-hate
Springtime is wartime
All eyes to the crime boss
Electric guitar string
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3 Feb 03 peace
Peace attack
Early book whistlin'
Whistlin' earth
Whistlin' earth day off
Nature sex
Nature sex yawn winkin'

Of the great
Of the great anti-hate
Springtime is wartime
All eyes to the crime boss
Electric guitar string
Belly flowers

3 Feb 03 peace
Peace attack
Early book whistlin'
Whistlin' earth
Whistlin' earth day off
Nature sex
Nature sex yawn winkin'

Of the great
Of the great anti-hate
Springtime is wartime
All eyes to the crime boss
Electric guitar string
Belly flowers

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Old 03.20.2010, 07:08 PM   #2
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we can't stop now. killing brown people is a national passtime.
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Old 03.20.2010, 07:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
we can't stop now. killing brown people is a national passtime.

Yeah baseball is dead and all the others sports are filled with colored people.
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Old 03.21.2010, 12:29 AM   #4
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actually, "lynching" was a highly popular american past time up until the 50s.
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Old 03.21.2010, 08:09 AM   #5
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it might not in yours suchfriends, but this rhymes in my accent and every time I read it I say it out loud. It's quite catchy.
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Old 03.21.2010, 03:52 PM   #6
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not wanting to get into this arguement again, because its been done on here, but before you explain the war, i would explain Saddam first. It would be wrong to not tell a young person about the Kurds and Halabja, and all the rest when explaining the arguements for and against the military action/war/liberation/occupation/intervention whichever word you feel is appropriate. It would also be wrong to ignore the role the US had in supporting Saddam in the eighties. The most important thing with young people isnt to be "balanced" but to explain the facts and try your best to not let on what you really think, because young people are incisive when it comes to detecting what you think, theyve just spent a decade being dictated to in the school system after all.

As far as endings go, it seems all the time that Afghanistan might be the one that goes on for an eternity, we're 8 and a half years into that country and whilst things have got better, the progress is so slow compared to Iraq.
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Old 03.21.2010, 04:54 PM   #7
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In the past the Afghans kicked British and Russian ass, and are at present kicking Yank ass. The British must be masochists as they're back to have their ass kicked, again. And the lesson learned here kids is don't invade Afghanistan if you don't want to get your ass kicked.
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Old 03.21.2010, 05:02 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
In the past the Afghans kicked British and Russian ass, and are at present kicking Yank ass. The British must be masochists as they're back to have their ass kicked, again. And the lesson learned here kids is don't invade Afghanistan if you don't want to get your ass kicked.

Ayotollah Keeping It Simple has spoken
can we just call you AKIS from now on?
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican


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Old 03.21.2010, 05:50 PM   #9
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If you want to fact-check this film, please do
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Old 03.22.2010, 03:10 PM   #10
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see.. the very fact there were NO serious responses to this thread on the 7th anniversary of this war (which is not ending) disturbs me..

has it become so much a facet of our daily routine that we don't even notice it anymore? Did no one respond on this thread, or start their own or any other anti-war threads because the war has become so much a part of our reality that we simply accept?


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Old 03.22.2010, 03:46 PM   #11
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what the hell is this thread about?
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Old 03.22.2010, 03:50 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by jon boy
what the hell is this thread about?

"fuck.. are we still in Iraq?"
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Old 03.22.2010, 03:58 PM   #13
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we are still there because they still have oil.

I hope this helps.
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Old 03.22.2010, 04:04 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
we are still there because they still have oil.

I hope this helps.

couldn't we leave militarily and still get the oil? We pulled out of Vietnam and still managed to get Vietnamese heroin for years until the production shifted towards Mexico and Afghanistan (wait a minute.. I guess you proved me wrong, we invaded Afghanistan )
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Old 03.22.2010, 04:19 PM   #15
Keeping It Simple
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
see.. the very fact there were NO serious responses to this thread on the 7th anniversary of this war (which is not ending) disturbs me..

has it become so much a facet of our daily routine that we don't even notice it anymore? Did no one respond on this thread, or start their own or any other anti-war threads because the war has become so much a part of our reality that we simply accept?



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Old 03.22.2010, 04:20 PM   #16
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we invaded afghanistan, and opium production actualy rose something like 400% as a result.

we are still in Iraq because we weree never there to free a country or create a new government. we re there to oversee the largest cache of quality "sweet" petroleum left in the world. we want it. we use it. we will continue to spend billions to fight "insurgents" that are actually just Iraquis fed up with our presence.
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Old 03.22.2010, 04:39 PM   #17
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Well, It does sicken me that this is still going on.

But, like someone said, they have oil. The funny thing about democracy is that it doesn't work in different parts of the world. Each race is different.

What bothers me most is soliders and Blackwater are profiting off of this. They are the ones with blood on their hands.
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Old 03.22.2010, 04:45 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
"fuck.. are we still in Iraq?"

um yes.
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Old 03.22.2010, 05:45 PM   #19
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Of course oil is a big issue but a strong American presence in the Middle East for strategic reasons is and always has been desired by successive US presidents.

Obama would never have done anything but follow the policies of Bush's second term and there are enough gray areas in the Status of Forces Agreement to allow for long term occupation.
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Old 03.23.2010, 09:05 AM   #20
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