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Old 09.27.2006, 03:35 PM   #1
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Can't wait for it!!! Love Scorsese!!!

Ha! Jack, you horny little devil you!

Jack Nicholson reportedly turned down a part in Martin Scorsese's new film because it did not have enough sex scenes.

The legendary actor initially snubbed the part of Mafia gang leader Frank Costello in 'The Departed', saying it was not "meaty enough".
However, after the director agreed to spice up the 69-year-old actor's part with some raunchy antics he agreed to get onboard.
Nicholson said: "These kind of monsters usually don't have a sex life on screen, so I wanted to bring that to the part. He's a bad nut job so he's evil sexually too. F**k 'em, kill 'em, you know." In the film, Nicholson plays the head of a Mafia gang that is infiltrated by an undercover police officer at the same time as one of the Mob members infiltrates the special investigation unit of the Boston police force.
The 'Batman' actor is convinced 'The Departed', which also stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, could be the movie that finally wins Scorsese his first Oscar.
He said: "Martin has made some great films, but this one is his best."
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:38 PM   #2
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funny that he's identified as "the batman actor"


and i hope scorsese gets back in form. he is a film god, but i haven't liked his crap lately.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:39 PM   #3
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Sounds pretty good.

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Old 09.27.2006, 03:41 PM   #4
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I'm very much looking forward to this movie. It's a remake. One may want to rent Infernal Affairs before they see The Departed.
Scorsese has been working on his version since being smitten with this movie.

It has very realistic action sequences and a compelling storyline. Also, the acting isn't bad at all.

Mou gaan dou (2002)

Also Known As:
Infernal Affairs (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title)
I Want to Be You (Hong Kong: English title)
Wu jian dao (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)

The setting is the never-ending war between the police and the traids of Hong Kong. Chan is a cop who's been assigned to undercover work inside the traids for so long that he's been able to rise through the ranks to a position of some authority. Lau, meanwhile, is a secret member of the triads who has infiltrated the police force with an equal level of success. As they feed their bosses information on the plans and counter-plans of the organizations they pretend to serve, they both begin to feel the stresses of their double lives as they become torn between the oppressive obligations they owe to their superiors and the growing camaraderie they share with the foot soldiers around them. As the two organizations become increasingly aware of the moles in their midsts, the race is on for Chan and Lau to try and get out of the game alive.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:42 PM   #5
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Trivia for
The Departed (2006)

Martin Scorsese wanted to shoot the film in Boston, where the story is set. But due to concerns on setting up production and politics, the producers chose New York City to double for Boston because of the state's 15% tax credit. The bulk of the movie was shot in New York City while a six week shooting schedule was split in two for Boston, shooting the first half in June and the second half in August.

Gerard McSorley was originally slated to play Queenan but had to drop out of the project.

As research for his character's occupation, Matt Damon worked with a Massachusetts State Police unit out of Boston. He accompanied them on routine patrols, participated in a drug raid and was taught proper police procedures like how to pat down a suspect.

Originally, Jack Nicholson turned down his role in the movie, but after a meeting with Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, he was finally convinced to play the role of Frank Costello. The main reason he joined the production was because he had previously done a few comedies, and wanted to play a villain again, and he considered the character of Costello to be the ultimate incarnation of evil.

Robert De Niro was set to play the police chief, Oliver Queenan but his commitment to his directorial feature, The Good Shepherd (2006) forced him to drop out.

The film's technical advisor was Tom Duffy, a retired detective who worked out of Boston for nearly thirty years and specialized in organized crime. He was particularly involved in the case against notorious South Boston gangster Whitey Bulger, whom Jack Nicholson's Frank Costello is partly based on.

Martin Scorsese had originally wanted to cast a known actress, either Kate Winslet or Hilary Swank, for the part of Madeleine. But he later decided to go with someone new instead (Vera Farmiga).

Leonardo DiCaprio was cast in the title role in The Good Shepherd, but he dropped out to play Billy Costigan in this movie.

This film is originally based on the Hong Kong thriller WuJianDao. Martin Scorsese like the film so much he bought the credit for the film and adapted it to an American storyline.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:44 PM   #6
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oh man i hate di caprio and scorsese keeps casting him-- is he in love with him or what-- agh--
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh man i hate di caprio and scorsese keeps casting him-- is he in love with him or what-- agh--

I used to despise him for some reason or other, but I can't deny that he's done some great stuff. Basketball diaries and Gilbert Grape were brilliant roles.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:47 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
funny that he's identified as "the batman actor"


and i hope scorsese gets back in form. he is a film god, but i haven't liked his crap lately.

The Joker was his best part. That and Jack in the Shining.

I love how he adds his own creativity into movies, in that he doesn't just act. Prince did the Batman soundtrack from his suggestion you know.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:50 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
The Joker was his best part. That and Jack in the Shining.

I love how he adds his own creativity into movies, in that he doesn't just act. Prince did the Batman soundtrack from his suggestion you know.

you clearly haven't seen one flew over the cuckoo's nest, or the postman rings twice. and i haven't seen chinatown yet. but cmon-- the joker? meh...!
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Old 09.27.2006, 07:24 PM   #10
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I saw Internal Affairs a while back when it was first released on DVD in the US. Its a good film. Not amazing but very entertaining. I am looking forward to see what Scorsese is doing with the remake. If he is in fact at the top of his game, it could definitely be superior to the original. We shall see. Ive always loved Scorsese's films and think its a shame he hasn't won an Oscar. Maybe this could be it?
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Old 09.27.2006, 10:05 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you clearly haven't seen one flew over the cuckoo's nest, or the postman rings twice. and i haven't seen chinatown yet. but cmon-- the joker? meh...!

I saw Cuckoo's Nest and Chinatown. I just love the Joker. Cuckoo's Nest was good, but I prefer the novel.
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Old 09.28.2006, 04:57 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I used to despise him for some reason or other, but I can't deny that he's done some great stuff. Basketball diaries and Gilbert Grape were brilliant roles.

I'd have to agree, Dicaprio is a top actor and only Scorsese is good enough to get him in a part.
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Old 09.28.2006, 06:30 AM   #13
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Old 09.28.2006, 09:47 AM   #14
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I'd like to see this but I'm not too keen on Damon and Dicrapio. They just look like wusses to me and I can't take them seriously. At least when De Niro and Kietel were on screen they looked convincing as tough guys/lowlifes etc
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Old 09.28.2006, 07:02 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by michael71
I'd like to see this but I'm not too keen on Damon and Dicrapio. They just look like wusses to me and I can't take them seriously. At least when De Niro and Kietel were on screen they looked convincing as tough guys/lowlifes etc

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Old 09.29.2006, 03:27 AM   #16
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DiCaprio is underrated.
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Old 09.29.2006, 06:16 AM   #17
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oh fuck yeah!!!!!! i have to see that
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Old 09.29.2006, 02:24 PM   #18
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I read today that the opening of the film is a bit Goodfellas-esque featuring a voice-over by Nicholson while Gimmie Shelter (which was used in both Goodfellas and Casino) plays.


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