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Old 10.04.2006, 08:40 AM   #1
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I was just petting Maisy (my dog) and she just bit me, without warning. My sister screamed and my mom and dad came running in and my face was covered with blood so my mom called 911. Now that I look back on it, its so surreal being put in the stretcher and everything. My mom was freaking out and I was very calm, I don't know why. My mom asked why I was so calm and I said "Somebody in this family has to be." I just ended up with butterfly bandages on both lacerations, both dangerously close to my eyes.
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Old 10.04.2006, 08:41 AM   #2
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You have my sympathy. But I did also laugh a bit.
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Old 10.04.2006, 08:43 AM   #3
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Does your face look better now or before?? Sometimes scars add character.

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Old 10.04.2006, 08:43 AM   #4
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I got a rock in my head once and I was pretty calm about it too while everyone else was freaking out. It's normal I guess...

Ouch though.
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Old 10.04.2006, 08:56 AM   #5
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That sucks... Are ya gonna put the dog to sleep now?
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Old 10.04.2006, 09:06 AM   #6
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i hope you don;t have to put the doggie down. you sure you did not step on yr dog's nuts?
Hope you are healing well!
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Old 10.04.2006, 09:34 AM   #7
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The dog is a girl, so I didnt step on any nuts. All I did was pet her and she just snapped. I don't know if I look better with the scars, I still have the bandages. I'm actually staying home from school today. I don't know what we're donig about the dog. I don't want to think about it. Thanks for yr. sympathy. I'm gonna watch Rocky Horror Picture Show right now. That'll cheer me up!
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Old 10.04.2006, 10:13 AM   #8
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She was on her period

Sign the devil dog campaign!!!

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 10.04.2006, 10:17 AM   #9
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I od'd on pain killers a while back and I was calm while my friends and family were freaking out. I don't think I know I did.

Dogs are funny.
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Old 10.04.2006, 11:37 AM   #10
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aww, that sucks, i actually know how this feels.

i got bit on the face by a dog as a kid over my right eyebrow, had those butterfly bandages then later that same year i got hit in the face over my left eyebrow with a cricket bat had to have 4 stitches. so my forehead is very scarred. i have a fringe to cover it now though.
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Old 10.04.2006, 02:17 PM   #11
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My family own 2 dogs:Sammy & Maisy. We got Maisy 1st when she was born and shes 7, so she knows me. I really don't like Sammy, so I give Maisy all of my attention, and she always loved to be with me. That's why it shocks me, I would've thought that Sammy would be the one to attack me. Even though I don't like him, I would still never, ever abuse dogs. It was completely unprovoked
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Old 10.04.2006, 02:32 PM   #12
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Maybe you got too close to it's face. my dog sometimes gets pissy when you get too close to his face. but that's usually only with little kids. i don't think you should put a dog down for something like that. it's unreasonable.
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Old 10.04.2006, 02:36 PM   #13
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You got PWNTby yr dog...
thats terrible, once my dog bit a kid, hes the nicest country gentleman of a dog ever and the family of the kid got all pissed so i had to bus a cap.
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Old 10.04.2006, 02:56 PM   #14
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we're prob just gonna give her to a shelter. not put her down
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Old 10.04.2006, 03:05 PM   #15
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don't you think that's a bit over-reacting? If you've had it for 7 years like you say, one incident makes you give it up? bummer, man.
sandwich klub 4 men.

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Old 10.04.2006, 03:07 PM   #16
atari 2600
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When I was a kid, this dog we let in as a stray bit my nose.

thindarkduke13's story though reminded me of a time when our crew was all leaving the bar one night and my girlfriend went over near where a dog (it was some sort of collie mix) was in the back of this truck. Some redneck guy that went downtown a lot kept his dog in the back of his truck. I used to know his name and the name of the dog, but cannot remember now. Anyway, she goes over to pet this dog and I tell her, "Jessica, stay away from that dog." She continues towards the dog. I have to physically go over there and get between her and the dog. Then, some more people are spilling out of the bar, and I get distracted for a moment as we are talking to each other outside. I turn to check on my girlfriend and she has once again wandered back over and is extending her hand now to the dog. I'm going, "Jessica, it's a dog in the back of a truck. It's going to...," and (harwaahwah-vicious animal noise) the dog bites her face before I finish. So here we are, we're all drunk in public and heavily dosed as well and have to go to the hospital. Blood was everywhere from this bite. Just as in the case of thindarkduke13, it looked a lot worse than it was and she got fixed up and it left a hairline scar that I'm sure now has gone away.
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Old 10.04.2006, 04:55 PM   #17
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I would get rid of it. Never mind that I don't like dogs, but I don't put up with any bullshit.
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Old 10.05.2006, 03:32 PM   #18
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A big boxer.
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